National Day of Protest: Birth Control Pill Kills Women
merican Life League’s Protest The Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women will illuminate a hidden tragedy.
merican Life League’s Protest The Pill Day ’09: The Pill Kills Women will illuminate a hidden tragedy.
675 Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers.
American Life League’s Canon 915 Project Director Michael Hichborn issued the following statement today regarding Archbishop Wuerl’s refusal to withhold Communion from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
Feminists of a certain ilk have a propensity to deny the obvious. They do this consistently when it comes to pregnancy.
Those faithful Catholics who are exposing the debacle at the University of Notre Dame are to be commended, and we are grateful for their courage.
Over the past few days, there has been what seems to me to be a growing alarm among members of the media, and therefore the public at large
the legal recognition of a human being’s full status as a human person that applies to all human beings, irrespective of age, health, function, physical or mental dependency, or method of reproduction, from the beginning of their biological development
President Barack Obama will make his first nomination to the United States Supreme Court as Justice David Souter announced his imminent retirement in June
A recent article by Detroit Free Press reporter Megha Satyanarayana aroused in me a fundamental disdain for dishonesty that I find very hard to ignore.
The next time you see someone in a pro-life t-shirt dancing in a puddle, holding up the London Bridge, or smirking for the camera next to a police officer – you may be witnessing American Life League’s Pro-Life T-Shirt Week in action.
American Life League’s president, Judie Brown, issued the following statement today on the Senate’s confirmation, 65 – 31, of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
These two definitions, if one is to believe the L. A. Times’ Tim Rutten, set forth a conflict between pro-abortion Democrat Kathleen Sebelius and the Catholic Church, the Church being the entity Rutten accuses of waging a “holy war.”