Week in Review – Outrage at SCOTUS, Catholics, and Pro-lifers Exposes Evil Behind Abortion—Pure Hatred for God
The last week has pulled the veil back to expose the pure evil and hatred that encompasses the anti-life mob.
After a leaked draft SCOTUS decision revealed Roe v. Wade may be overturned in June, the liberal left and its mob turned to violence, harassment, and intimidation in an attempt to keep abortion a federal right.
In the last 10 days, pro-lifers, Catholics, and the Supreme Court justices have been subjected to nothing short of evil outrage. The rage and hatred funneled toward devout Catholics exposes the disdain for God that lies at the heart of the anti-life movement.
Take, for example, a radical group that organized protests at Catholic Churches over the weekend, some even disrupting the celebration of Mass. This same group said in a tweet that they would be “burning the Eucharist” to show their “disgust” for the Catholic Church. This is nothing short of demonic.
A protest in front of the Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in Manhattan, NY, on Mother’s Day featured a half-naked woman screaming, “I’m killing the baby!” while dangling baby dolls in front of prayerful Catholics.
The same radical group inciting violence against Catholics released the personal home addresses of the Supreme Court justices, which has led to days of unrest in their suburban communities. Picketing or attempting to intimidate a federal judge is against US law, yet no arrests have been made.
Violence against pro-life groups is also picking up. On Mother’s Day, Molotov cocktail bombs were thrown into the offices of Wisconsin Family Action (WFA) and Oregon Right to Life. At WFA, the message, “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,” was spray painted on the outside wall.
Coincidentally, all of this is taking place in the month of May, the month of Our Blessed Mother. Now, more than ever, we must implore her intercession, as the evil and outrage is sure to continue.
ALL in the News – Epoch Times
The last week of unrest for members of SCOTUS is drawing a negative reaction from much of the media, including American Life League president Judie Brown. In an interview with The Epoch Times, Brown denounced the harassment of the justices and noted that it is indeed a violation of US law.
Once a week, ALL’s Celebrate Life Magazine posts an editor’s blog on its website. The content can range from helpful advice to deep dives into current events.
This week, the bi-monthly STOPP Report was sent to its list of subscribers. This issue featured pro-life happenings around the country and PP’s reaction to the leaked SCOTUS decision.
Every Friday, ALL executive vice president Hugh Brown hosts a talk-radio show on the Radio Maria USA network. The show is a continuance of Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Deathand can be heard live every Friday at noon (ET). Each show features an update on what is happening in the pro-life world and frequently guests will appear on the show to provide first-hand updates and experiences.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of ALL.org. Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Video of the Week – The ‘Right’ to a Dead Baby
The Supreme Court leak has legacy media and pro-abortion politicians framing the argument around “women’s rights”/reproductive rights.” Sometimes pro-life influencers get stuck on the use of the word “abortion,” which itself describes a general process rather than the specific outcome: a murdered baby. And that’s where such phrases such as “preborn child killing” better illustrate the matter at hand, because advocates for abortion violence aren’t honest in their demands. Bodily autonomy is guaranteed since every baby leaves the womb in nine months. What they’re really advocating for is the right to a dead baby. We need to remind them of that.
Action Item of the Week – World Day of Prayer and Fasting to End Abortion
On May 13, 2022, American Life League calls on Catholics and other Christians around the world to pray and fast for an end to abortion violence.
Abortion is the greatest crisis of our time because it ends the life of a unique human being. Abortion violence must be eradicated, and hearts must be opened to the value and dignity of all human beings.
If Roe v. Wade is overturned by the Supreme Court, a grave injustice will be undone. But make no mistake, abortion will not end. Our fight is far from over.
Join us by answering the call for peace, prayer, and fasting on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Nearly 100 years ago, Our Lady implored us to pray the Rosary; it’s time we listened.
For more information and to sign up, visit ALL.org/pray.
Pro-life Social Media – Bette Midler’s Fake Concern for Dead Children Gets The Pro-Life Twitter Treatment
From a distance, Bette Midler looks like a talented singer and actor, but a closer look at her Twitter feed reveals a woman with an inability to articulate a reasoned thought.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) May 8, 2022
Not to defend the National Rifle Association, but the Second Amendment lobbyist group does not crush human skulls; Planned Parenthood does.
I thought you were leaving the USA?
— Ralph Galindo (@rgalindo52) May 8, 2022
They never stand by their word.
Planned Parenthood was designed to eradicate the black children in the US by Margaret Sanger. It is still going on today. 79% of Planned Parenthood offices are in poor neighborhoods. What does that tell you?
— Tom Wilkins (@twilks63) May 8, 2022
Two beating hearts walk in, one walks out.
— Kayla Elizabeth (@VixenRogue) May 8, 2022
Are you drunk again?
— Charlene Sizemore (@knittietwitty) May 10, 2022
Abortion has a 100% infant mortality rate
— Billy Carruthers ❼ (@BillyCarruther3) May 8, 2022
Millions of babies would beg the differ.
— DFSTings (@DFSTINGS) May 8, 2022
Over 60 million!
— red5rob (not a biologist) (@red5rob) May 8, 2022
Baby at 20 weeks in the womb. Beautiful! ❤️ pic.twitter.com/HgdgbLJleC
— 💯 ABstract American 💯 (@ABstractConser1) May 8, 2022
To an abortion violence advocate—meaningless. How very sad for them.