Week in Review – NY Residents Shut Down Planned Parenthood Before It Even Opens
Planned Parenthood seriously underestimated a small town in New York State.
The group, “Brighton Residents Against Violence to Everyone” (BRAVE), recently succeeded in stopping a new Planned Parenthood facility from opening in their community. On the group’s website, Braveny.org, they detail just how the community rallied together to stop the abortion mill dead in its tracks.
The new 6,500-square-foot PP facility was set to open in the Westfall Medical Park, located in Brighton, NY. According to the BRAVE website, they received word on January 10, 2022, that PP had terminated its lease with the Westfall Medical Park.
So how did the citizens of Brighton stop Planned Parenthood? In true STOPP Planned Parenthood fashion, the community relied mostly on grassroots activism. The BRAVE website details the lengthy legal measures they took to tie up PP, including focusing on the site-plan approval process: “The lawsuit questioned whether surgical facilities are a permitted use within the zoning district, the question of waste disposal, as well as deleterious impacts to the community character.”
They focused on the community impact, as the PP abortion mill was set to be just down the road from a Catholic church, a Muslin mosque, and a children’s playground.
They also contacted more than 80 doctors located in the same medical park, alerting them to the heightened attention and police activity that usually surrounds Planned Parenthood—especially since PP employees are known to call the police when pro-life sidewalk counselors are nearby.
These various efforts, coupled with more that 120 appearances at town hall meetings, and even door-to-door campaigns, were ultimately the nail in PP’s coffin.
As it it’s aptly stated on the BRAVE website: “Planned Parenthood miscalculated the people of Brighton, whose justice concerns are expansive.”
ALL in the News – Celebrate Life Blog Featured on LSN; Bi-Monthly STOPP Report Delivered to Thousands; and More!
Once a week, ALL’s magazine, Celebrate Life, posts an editor’s blog on its website. The content can range from helpful advice to deep dives into current events. This week’s blog was picked up as an op-ed by conservative news outlet Life Site News.
The bi-monthly STOPP Report was published Wednesday, February 23. The headline article features STOPP’s self-published report, “Planned Parenthood’s Racism . . . In Their Own Words”. The report exposes the existing and ongoing racism and White supremacy with Planned Parenthood’s employees. Even though PP vowed in 2020 to rectify these prejudices, they have done nothing to change their practices.
ALL’s press release about President Biden’s comments regarding his pick for a new SCOTUS nominee was picked up for a third time, this time by Pregnancy Help News.

Twice a week, Judie Brown’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of ALL.org. Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Video of the Week – Pro-Life Polling Shows Disturbing Results
Recent phone polls survey adult attitudes toward preborn child-killing. While half of the participants consider themselves pro-life, the majority of self-proclaimed pro-life people are actually okay with some murder.
Action Item of the Week – 40 Days for Life Starts Next Week! Find a Vigil Near you
The start of Lent also marks the start of the pro-life peaceful prayer campaign, 40 Days for Life! The event runs March 2 through April 10.
According to the website, “40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.”
With a continual presence at Planned Parenthood and abortion mills for 40 days straight, this prayer campaign aims to shut them all down through a local peaceful presence.
Use their helpful vigil finder to find a 40 Days campaign near you!
Pro-life Social Media – Catholics for Choice Sides with ‘Trans People,’ Ignores Preborn Ones
Imagine if someone went through the Catechism of the Catholic Church and rewrote every obligatory belief and either turned them into suggestions or outright negated them. For example, ¶1783:
must beought to be informed and moral judgment enlightened.
Or ¶ 2271
Since the first century, the Church has affirmed the moral
evilgoodness of every procured abortion.
If such a Catechism existed, you’d find it on the bookshelves at the heretical Catholics for Choice. A recent tweet delved into the waters of the Imago Dei (people created in God’s Image and Likeness):
Trans people are made in the image and likeness of God.
That's it. That's the tweet. ????️
— Catholics for Choice (@Catholic4Choice) February 24, 2022
Babies waiting to be born are created in the Image and Likeness of God, but it’s convenient for C4C to ignore that. The bright thinkers at C4C feel they have the right to decide who does and does not possess the dignity given to them by God.
“Male and female he created them”
— Thomas Peters ????
(@AmericanPapist) February 24, 2022
We haven’t found genital mutilation as a human right in the Catechism, but no doubt someone at C4C scribbled that portion into theirs.
God made us male and female. That’s it. That’s what we believe.
— Orveto (@OrvetoB) February 24, 2022
Taking what God has given us and mutilating it is C4C’s bread and butter.
All living human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, including the 1.5 billion unborn babies inhumanely killed by abortion (something your group oddly fights for like the anti-abolitionists did in the 19th century)????
— Jim Sano (@JimSanoBC79) February 24, 2022