Week in Review – Problem “pro-life” bills; More PP in schools; Court ruling; and more
There is a great deal of attention being paid this week to two bills in the United States Senate. The first is the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the second is the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Many in the pro-life movement are excited that the Senate will vote on these bills next week. American Life League does not support either of these bills because: the pain-capable bill contains exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother; and the born-alive bill prohibits prosecution of the mother if she is the one that kills the child after he is born alive. We always recommend that you should go to Congress.gov and actually read the full text of any bill before you support it.
To further understand why American Life League will never support legislation that contains exceptions, we invite you to listen to this talk by our president, Judie Brown.
This week, Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles opened a “Wellbeing Center” inside Gladstone High School in Covina, CA. Planned Parenthood will provide educators for the center who will be there every day and it will also provide “reproductive health services” one day a week. This opening is part of a plan that, if executed as scheduled, will put Planned Parenthood clinics inside 50 high schools in the Los Angeles school district. Although surgical abortions will not be done inside the schools, referrals to local Planned Parenthood facilities will be made. Since California passed a law last year requiring that every health center on the campus of the two state-sponsored university systems MUST provide the Abortion Pill to any girl who requests it, there is growing concern that this same law could be extended to include these high school Wellbeing Centers. All of this can be seen as a Planned Parenthood pilot program that will be exported to other states if it proves to be successful in more babies being killed and increased income for the abortion giant.
Last week, Judge Richard D. Bennett ruled that the “Protect Life Rule” of the Department of Health and Human Services violates the Administrative Procedures Act and he granted Baltimore City the right to ignore the Protect Life Rule. He also permanently enjoined the rule from being implemented in the State of Maryland. You will recall the Protect Life Rule was used to insist that organizations that did or referred for abortions could not receive federal funds from the Title X program. Planned Parenthood refused to abide by the rule and voluntarily withdrew from Title X. The City of Baltimore sued to have this rule declared unconstitutional. It is expected that the Trump administration will appeal this ruling.
Although we are disappointed with Judge Bennett’s ruling, he did refuse to find totally in Baltimore’s favor. According to an article in The New American, “Judge Bennett sided with HHS on several counts. He determined HHS’s final rule complied with the Administrative Procedure Act’s rule-making procedures and that the final rule does not violate Title X. The judge also dismissed claims by the plaintiffs that the final rule violates First and Fifth Amendment rights.”
Finally, as we warned last week, Planned Parenthood used St. Valentine’s Day to push its sexual agenda. In California, for example, it sent “goody bags” to California legislators. As Life News reported, included in the goody bags was a condom with the threat, “Don’t f*ck with us.” Many legislators were upset receiving the threat and their staffers were concerned that Planned Parenthood would send such an obvious promotion of sex to an office where there are frequently children visitors. Some of the staff said, “… children should not be exposed to an encouragement to have sex.” Of course, encouraging minors to have sex is exactly what Planned Parenthood does. Young people having sex are what fuels its $1.6 billion operation.
ALL in the News – Judie Calls on CA Bishop to Enforce Canon 915; Pro-life Radio Show
This week, Judie Brown released a statement regarding the representative for California’s 32nd district, Grace Napolitano. Napolitano recently declared that even though she is Catholic, she supports Planned Parenthood. Brown called on Bishop Kevin Vann of the Diocese of Orange to enforce Canon 915.
Judie’s weekly commentaries continue to be featured as a column on Renew America.
Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time) and is repeated on Saturdays (10 PM).
Video of the Week – ‘What Is the Worst Thing about Abortion?’
Joseph Backholm of WhatWouldYouSay.org went to the DC March for Life and asked attendees, “What is the worst thing about abortion?”
Stick to the end when Backholm flips the question to a pair of abortion advocates. The truth of abortion lies hidden in the hearts of its supporters.
Action Item of the Week – Get your free copy of this brand new publication
HALO (Healthcare Advocacy and Leadership Organization) has released a dynamite Document, MAKING A DIFFERENCE—A Guide for Defending the Medically Vulnerable.
A Guide for Defending the Medically Vulnerable
Julie Grimstad, the president of HALO, recently announced the release of this ground-breaking document with these words: “HALO has brought together a team of dedicated volunteers and professionals who have vast experience in dealing with the end-of-life issues to produce this 16-page resource.” She promises that this guide provides “advice for medical decision-making as well as crucial information about the areas in which the culture of death has infiltrated our healthcare system.” She goes on to predict that “most readers who appreciate the worth and dignity of every human life will be shocked to discover the subtle, yet thorough, degree of hastening-of-death practices that have already taken place.”
Mrs. Grimstad is asking the following questions:
- Have you ever questioned the choice of drugs and dosage a loved one is receiving?
- Have you ever questioned the definitiveness of the term “brain dead” and had reservations about an outcome?
- Have you ever needed information on preparing an Advance Directive with “teeth” in it?
- Are you confused about the role of a ventilator—emergency-only or longer-term usage?
“If the answer to any of these questions is in the affirmative,” said Grimstad, “I, and the HALO Board of Directors, strongly urge you to obtain a copy of this valuable resource. I can almost guarantee this information will make ‘A DIFFERENCE’ in the life of someone near and dear to you, or even in your own life!”
Judie Brown, president, American Life League, and a member of the HALO Board of Advisors, also commented: “This document is more useful than anything I have seen from any organization in a very long time. I am proud to be associated with this effort. And I think that input from those who receive it and read it will confirm how impressed I am with what it provides the reader. Well done!”
For a limited time, you can get a free PDF copy of the guide here.
Pro-life Social Media – “Abortion is Love”—Snapchat Allows Advertising of Abortion Lies
It should come as no surprise that social media platforms have a double standard when it comes to pro-life advertising. Pro-life organizations can’t show a premature baby without Facebook falsely claiming content as fake news.
Do organizations promoting abortion violence suffer the same scrutiny? We have yet to see a single complaint. No wonder this ad promoting abortion doesn’t get the ax.
Snapchat lets pro-abortion group advertise abortion violence as ‘love, compassion, healing, and selfless’. pic.twitter.com/SDSmbpQbXV
— American Life League (@AmerLifeLeague) February 20, 2020
This advertisement was posted to Snapchat and paid for by the National Women’s Law Center.

The NWLC is a lobbying group that claims to “change culture and drive solutions to gender inequity.” In simpler terms, it wants to shove progressive policies down the throats of sensible, God-fearing Americans.
Disgusting. Murder is not healing. https://t.co/eQIv2mLmIY
— Linda Rizzo (@rizzole9) February 20, 2020
Disgusting. Murder is not healing. https://t.co/eQIv2mLmIY
— Linda Rizzo (@rizzole9) February 20, 2020
It’s murder. Bloody murder in the bottom of a slop pail.
— Loelle Forrester (@LoelleF) February 20, 2020
If abortion is “love,” then kicking puppies in the face must be charitable. Killing your preborn child because it doesn’t fit your lifestyle is the epitome of selfish, but to abortion advocates, up is down, left is right, and murder is saving.