Gilbert works with A Voice for the Unborn, an American Life League associate group.
"We are thrilled that Mr. Gilbert has donated his time and resources to help these young college students proclaim the pro-life message," said David Dufresne, assistant director of the Crusade for Life walk. For the past seven days, students from American Life League's Crusade for the Defense of Our Catholic Church have been trekking through the Bay area, proclaiming a simple truth: You can't be Catholic and pro-abortion. "With the Crusade walkers on the ground and Mr. Gilbert in the air, Bay area residents will hear and see the undeniable truth that abortion kills an innocent human person. This tragedy must come to an end now," said Dufresne.
The Crusaders' time in the Bay area, including San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley, is part of an 800-mile Crusade for Life walk through California. The walk consists of 15 college students traveling through the state, exposing the scandals created by public figures who support abortion yet claim Catholicism as their faith. Along the way, the young adults are peacefully protesting the district offices of known pro-abortion, Catholic politicians, praying in front of abortion clinics, and speaking at Catholic churches.
"While this historic walk will end next week in Sacramento, we know the impact this message has had on the state of California" said Dufresne. "Our prayer is that more and more people will stand up for the rights of the preborn and that the violence of abortion will come to an end."
Since launching the Crusade in January 2003, American Life League has conducted numerous ad campaigns, organized protests, and activated Catholics across the country all to encourage the bishops of the Church to act on this grave matter. For more information about the walks, see Crusade for Life 2005.
Release issued: 22 Jul 05