Communique – May. 4, 1999
birth control pill INNOVATION: Gary D. Hodgen, Ph.D., has announced that Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) has entered into collaboration with Barr Laboratories to investigate the potential use…
birth control pill INNOVATION: Gary D. Hodgen, Ph.D., has announced that Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) has entered into collaboration with Barr Laboratories to investigate the potential use…
birth control pill ABORTS! The Canadian “Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties” indicates that one of the modes of action attributed to the Pill does cause…
abortion FLORIDA: An altered partial birth abortion bill (Partial-Birth Abortion Act) has been re-titled “Fetus Transitioning to Person Act.” News reports indicate that the title…
abortion CHILD CUSTODY PROTECTION ACT: Recently introduced, the Child Custody Protection Act would make it a federal misdemeanor to transport a minor across state lines…
abortion KANSAS: State lawmakers are considering a parental consent law with language that permits a judge to bypass parents if such a decision would be in…
abortion CALIFORNIA CATHOLIC HOSPITALS: The California state assembly is considering a bill that would “guarantee women’s access to the full range of reproductive health services.” The…
abortion NURSES: RN magazine reports that nearly two-thirds of the hospital-based registered nurses polled by RN magazine say that partial-birth abortions should be prohibited by law,…
birth control and health insurance KNOW THE FACTS: Check out our web site: JAPAN: The Lancet reports that the birth control pill is on the verge of…
chemical abortion RU-486: In a randomized trial involved 11 family planning sites located in six countries, The Task Force on Postovulatory Methods of Fertility Control studied…
birth control NEW ZEALAND: (see communiqué, 2/9/99, p. 2) The Lancet reports “In 1996, the [New Zealand] Ministry of Health did not follow the advice of…
adolescents AVERTED PREGNANCY? Family Planning Perspectives has published a study claiming that “current levels of contraceptive use averted an estimated 1.65 million pregnancies among 15-19 year-old-women…
abortion IOWA: Planned Parenthood has begun offering abortions at its Sioux City clinic. Clinic mangers made a point of showing a local TV crew the security…