Katrina relief – a plea from a friend
Dorothy Wallis, a Baton Rouge pro-life leader with national ties to many including American Life League, has sent out a plea for help.
Dorothy Wallis, a Baton Rouge pro-life leader with national ties to many including American Life League, has sent out a plea for help.
In a recent interview Judge Robert Bork made it perfectly clear that regardless of whether or not Judge John Roberts makes it to the U.S. Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade/Doe v. Bolton is not going to be overturned any time soon, if ever.
In the surreal little place that Planned Parenthood calls home, it seems the neurons of all the residents are permanently hard-wired so the world – and everything in it – is viewed through sex-colored lenses.
The Planned Parenthood offer of birth control “services” to people who do not even have a source of food, warmth and temporary housing reaks to the high heavens.
in this issue: hot button issues: PLAN B / PLANNED PARENTHOOD / PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAY / SUPREME COURTabortion: FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT / MISOPROSTOLcatholic bishops: CALIFORNIAeuthanasia: DNRheroes: FR. TOM EUTENEUERstem cell research: BONE… Read More »Communique – Sep. 2, 2005
It is amazing to me that the federal Food and Drug Administration has chosen to postpone any decision on the morning-after abortion pills being made available over the counter.
Just a few days ago the most amazing announcement came from the world of medical research.
In Maricopa County Arizona the sheriff denied a female inmate the abortion she desired. His position is, though flawed, that “you lose a lot of rights when you’re in jail, whether it’s trying to get an abortion or watching R-rated movies.”
Recently a young mother gave birth to a premature baby. Sadly, the baby tested positive for concaine, and a judge charged his mother with reckless endangerment because she exposed her prebon child to the drug.
in this issue: hot button issues: FETAL PAIN / PLAN B / PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAYabortion: BREAST CANCER / FARMINGethics: STEM CELL DEBATEpharmacists: CONSCINECEplanned parenthood: LOW ROAD / STARBUCKSpope benedict xvi: ARCHBISHOP… Read More »Communique – Aug. 26, 2005
Yes it’s me again on the subject of fetal pain. How “shocking” to read in USA Today that two of the authors of the recent and much publicized “fetal pain” study have ties to the abortion industry! Surprise, surprise.
Within the next week, the Food and Drug Administration is expected to announce its decision on whether a drug known as Plan B will be available over the counter without a doctor’s prescription.