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Two Virginia groups join ALL associates

American Life League-the nation’s largest pro-life educational organization-is proud to welcome St. Thomas Aquinas and Incarnation Respect Life Committees of Charlottesville, Virginia as the newest members of American Life League’s Associates Program.

Wrongful motherhood

The recent news reports about Jennifer Raper, the 45-year-old mother of a two-year-old child who prior to her birth was targeted for death by abortion, shocked a great many people.

Neutral On Killing

It has been reported that the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine has dropped its opposition to physician assisted suicide.

New Pro-Life Curriculum

I cannot tell you how many times people have asked me about a pro-life curriculum that could be used in way that would train teens to be the future pro-life leaders of this nation.

Injured By Abortion

In an extremely sad turn of events, it has been revealed that not one, but three women have been seriously harmed by “safe and legal” abortion.

Vaccines, HPV And Scare Tactics

A 21-year-old Planned Parenthood intern, Karlene Hafemann, of Buffalo, New York, told an interviewer, when speaking about the Gardasil vaccine, “If people don’t want to see their children die, their mothers die, there shouldn’t be an option.