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A Prayer For Super Tuesday

I do not often receive material from grass roots people that move me as much as the following prayer. It is most certainly the type of plea to our Father in heaven that we can make in unity with our Trust in His Will!

Mr. Duffy’s Reasonable Request

I have long been an admirer of pro-life activists who go about their tasks with a sense of commitment, consistency and courage. Such a man is Will Duffy, who resides in Colorado and is the founder of a new project identified as Collaborator’s Project.

40 Days For Life And Love

I cannot believe what a week of blessings this has been for me. You know how inspired I was by the tens of thousands who attended the March for Life in Washington, DC.

A Child Is Not A Word

After 35 years of decriminalized abortion, it seems that the press is searching for new reasons to justify the reasons why mothers abort their children.

Wisconsin Catholic Conference Inertia

For those of you who were wondering, there is something foul in the Wisconsin air these days. It appears that even though the state legislature is pressing ahead for passage of a bill that would require all hospitals