Nellie Gray Is Doing Just Fine!
Many of us who attended the January 22 March for Life were aware that the founder of March for Life, Nellie Gray, had fallen and appeared to be injured during the rally that preceded the March.
Many of us who attended the January 22 March for Life were aware that the founder of March for Life, Nellie Gray, had fallen and appeared to be injured during the rally that preceded the March.
Today was a good day for the readers of The Daily Star. On the “Letters to the editor” page I found a breath of fresh air and an honest pro-life American.
Over the years I have heard many priests and ministers argue that one of the reasons they do not speak about elections or particular candidates is that to do so would be a violation of their tax status.
“It is outrageous that YouTube would black-out our video warning the public about a Planned Parenthood sex video while it continues to carry the original Planned Parenthood video,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League.
On January 22, Planned Parenthood in Schenectady, New York had a member of the clergy hold a blessing service to bless its new abortion facility in that city.
The incredible news I received from the Houston Coalition for Life troubled me so deeply that I want to share every word of it with you. The headline is enough to drive one into a state of apoplexy, and reads
Today was one of those days when you just knew—Super Tuesday and all—that something weird was going to happen! But who could have expected this?
Michelle Stepney of Britain has a story to tell that truly inspires and motivates me, and I hope it does the same thing for you.
For more than 35 years, pro-lifers have struggled to choose the best tactics and strategies while hoping to reach a point in America’s history where abortion would become an anathema to the public as well as lawmakers and judges.
Brian Bundy is a Michigan pharmacist who has refused to dispense the abortive “morning after pill.” In fact he has taken his refusal so seriously that when Target fired him he chose to sue them because he believes
Lauren Richardson is 23 years of age and, due to a heroin overdose, is now in a persistent vegetative state. At the time of the overdose Lauren was expecting a baby
Over the years, several official Catholic statements have outlined major concerns about the group “Catholics for a Free Choice.”