Powerful Prayer Project
I am delighted to tell you about a new movement that is already gaining momentum throughout the United States.
I am delighted to tell you about a new movement that is already gaining momentum throughout the United States.
“In examining the operations of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, it is clearer than ever that it is in business to kill children for a profit,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League.
For those of you who were wondering, there is something foul in the Wisconsin air these days. It appears that even though the state legislature is pressing ahead for passage of a bill that would require all hospitals
Perhaps you have not heard much about Samuel Golubchuk. He is a senior citizen in Winnipeg, Canada whose life is literally hanging by a thread as I write.
This Sunday through Tuesday, January 20-22, American Life League’s Rock for Life will host its annual training and activism weekend in Washington, D.C.
That is the closing line in a new commercial put together by Planned Parenthood Golden Gate and expected to run in the San Francisco area on such venues as MTV, VH-1, Comedy Central and TLC and on KMEL-FM, a San Francisco Clear Channel radio station.
I am so sorry it took me two months to read Pope Benedict XVI’s remarkable encyclical, Spe Salvi. It is a gift to Catholics and I think to pro-lifers in particular. The encyclical is not confusing to read and indeed is something well worth your time and study.
I frequently thank God for the great minds within the pro-life movement who have to struggle with the latest announcement from scientists, particularly in the case of stem cell research.
American Life League slammed Planned Parenthood Golden Gate’s latest ad campaign, describing their new “safe sex” ad as a promotion tool for new abortions and took strong exception to the fact that the campaign was paid for with taxpayer dollars.
When I was growing up my parents had a favorite saying that always irritated me.
CFFC claims to speak for Catholics throughout the country who apparently do not accept Church teaching, do not believe that abortion is an act of murder and do not want anything to impede “mainstream” thoughts and positions on the subject of reproductive rights.
Just when you think Planned Parenthood has gone about as far down the immorality ladder as it can, somebody in that organization takes another step into the abyss. And the latest from Planned Parenthood Golden Gate really trolls the bottom.