“Federal officials must not condone China’s horrendous policy of forced abortions,” said Andrew Flusche, staff attorney for American Life League.
“Federal officials must not condone China’s horrendous policy of forced abortions,” said Andrew Flusche, staff attorney for American Life League.
Some years ago a very holy priest explained that once the door was opened to contraception, all manner of sexual sins would flood the culture.
The Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation is not making many friends in the pro-life movement despite their seemingly sincere dedication to eradicating the threat of breast cancer and discovering helpful treatments for those women who have already been diagnosed with this dreaded disease.
American Life League denounced the claims made in a recent Waco Tribune-Herald editorial that attacked Pro-Life Waco’s new billboard as “false” and “specious.”
“It is absolutely incredible,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League, “but the annual report just released by Planned Parenthood Federation of America shows that $114 million of the government funds received by Planned Parenthood were not needed and only increased the abortion giant’s assets.”
“Planned Parenthood has just released its latest annual report and it must be very proud,” said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League.
Today a few headlines noted the discovery of what appeared to be the remains of a preborn baby, found in the bathroom of a Continental Airlines plane.
Some days ago American Life League began looking into reports from California that Planned Parenthood affiliates in that state had defrauded state and federal taxpayers to the tune of at least $180,000.00.
American Life League blasted Planned Parenthood’s attempt to withhold potentially incriminating records in the case of an abortion performed on a minor as secretive and suspicious.
On March 20th I wrote about the Lathrop Village, Michigan police investigation of the abortionist whose Dumpster became newsworthy when the body parts of aborted children were found by a group of heroic pro-life activists.
I have read a few commentaries from various pro-life leaders on voting, the role a presidential candidate may play in the future selection of Supreme Court judges and the somewhat veiled suggestions that sometimes one must vote for a candidate
American Life League President Judie Brown commented on the State of Michigan’s request that abortionist Alberto Hodari merely retrain his employees as to the proper disposal of human waste, by which they mean aborted children.