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A Child Is Not A Word

After 35 years of decriminalized abortion, it seems that the press is searching for new reasons to justify the reasons why mothers abort their children.

Wisconsin Catholic Conference Inertia

For those of you who were wondering, there is something foul in the Wisconsin air these days. It appears that even though the state legislature is pressing ahead for passage of a bill that would require all hospitals

Rock for Life: We will rock DC!

This Sunday through Tuesday, January 20-22, American Life League’s Rock for Life will host its annual training and activism weekend in Washington, D.C.

Planned Parenthood Airlines

That is the closing line in a new commercial put together by Planned Parenthood Golden Gate and expected to run in the San Francisco area on such venues as MTV, VH-1, Comedy Central and TLC and on KMEL-FM, a San Francisco Clear Channel radio station.

Spe Salvi: Pope Benedict’s Ray of Hope

I am so sorry it took me two months to read Pope Benedict XVI’s remarkable encyclical, Spe Salvi. It is a gift to Catholics and I think to pro-lifers in particular. The encyclical is not confusing to read and indeed is something well worth your time and study.

Sorting out science versus fiction

I frequently thank God for the great minds within the pro-life movement who have to struggle with the latest announcement from scientists, particularly in the case of stem cell research.

New ad promotes recreational sex

American Life League slammed Planned Parenthood Golden Gate’s latest ad campaign, describing their new “safe sex” ad as a promotion tool for new abortions and took strong exception to the fact that the campaign was paid for with taxpayer dollars.