Cecile Richards Tortuous Tantrum
A few days ago, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards wrote a rather contemptuous column about the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
A few days ago, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards wrote a rather contemptuous column about the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
President Obama has resorted to an incredibly infantile phrase—”wee-weed up”—to degrade his “health care reform” detractors.
A recent airing of Raymond Arroyo’s The World Over presented an opportunity for me to discuss Catholic health care ethics with the president of the Catholic Health Association, Sister Carol Keehan, DC.
Mary Poppins’ “A Spoonful of Sugar” was such a hit with my kids when they were little because it was fun to clean up toys while singing it.
In June, Terry O’Neill was elected president of the National Organization for Women at its annual conference. A discussion about conscience clauses then took center stage.
Over this past weekend a good friend, Paul Byrne, M.D., sent an interesting comment my way. He pointed out that one of the root words of palliative is pall.
This guest commentary was published on the Lead Us Not into Temptation blog site on August 3, 2009 and is used with its kind permission.
I have always believed that our Creator has made His laws and precepts clear for all of His creation. So this thought came to mind one day.
As the pro-life movement fights to keep abortion out of the health-care reform bill, an undercover attack on the elderly may be taking place unnoticed.
I am not an expert on health care rationing and end-of-life questions. But I know how to find experts, and the leadership of LifeTree, a pro-life Christian educational ministry
Recently, on my EWTN Pro-Life Forum an Avon lady wrote in about her serious concerns regarding the alliance Avon had with a certain feminist organization. I could not believe it! Or maybe I didn’t want to since Avon products are so fabulous.
Recently, there have been a lot ofdeliberations, speeches and commentaries concerningso-called health care reform, including my own.