Cruelty As Humor – The Trig Palin Joke!
There appears to be no level as to which the media will not stoop in its efforts to paint Sarah Palin and her family as a mere caricature based on their twisted preconceptions.
There appears to be no level as to which the media will not stoop in its efforts to paint Sarah Palin and her family as a mere caricature based on their twisted preconceptions.
“Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you… Read More »A Choice We Make Every Day
President Obama has just proposed a new version of the “health care reform” legislation, and it still contains an abortion fee that every taxpayer in America… Read More »Obama Health Reform Will Force Abortion Fee on All Taxpayers
I recently received a tweet that Planned Parenthood had partnered with the new Text4Baby program, “a free mobile information service designed to promote maternal and child health.”
“God gives us no more than we can bear, and he gives us patience first.”
The idea of a total ban on all abortions makes some people uncomfortable. After all, we’ve been told for years that there are situations in… Read More »Abortion “Exceptions”
Washington, D.C. (23 February 2010) –The following is a statement from American Life League president Judie Brown regarding Delegate Bob Marshall’s recent comments on the increased… Read More »Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall and the Increased Rate of Disabilities after Abortion
Every Valentine’s Day, we hear the same blather from the folks at Planned Parenthood. One affiliate even provides cutout cards. Its web site conveys this message: “Surprise your sweetie with a one-of-a-kind Valentine’s card.”
Washington, D.C. (22 February 2010) – American Life League’s newest Associate, the Corpus Christi Pro-Life Group, is located only two dozen miles from the “Abortion Capital… Read More »ALL Welcomes New Associate: Corpus Christi Pro-Life Group
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) petition, created by the Reform CCHD Now coalition, provides the concerned Catholic with a voice for opposing the growing scandal that surrounds this particular project of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
While the President and Congress focus their outrage at the recognition of corporate personhood (rights of natural persons afforded to corporations as legal persons) and what it will mean according to the Supreme Court’s majority opinion
Recently, in the Virginia General Assembly, a human personhood bill was debated in the House Subcommittee on Constitutional Law.