Here’s Talking at You!
With increasing frequency, I find that some folks tune out as soon as the word “abortion” enters the conversation and then, there you are, talking basically to yourself.
With increasing frequency, I find that some folks tune out as soon as the word “abortion” enters the conversation and then, there you are, talking basically to yourself.
Washington, DC (01 June 2010) – The Reform CCHD Now coalition (RCN) announced today that detailed reports on the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Catholic Campaign for Human… Read More »Reports of CCHD Malfeasance Sent Directly to Bishops Before Upcoming Meeting
Washington, D.C. (01 June 2010) – The Reform CCHD Now coalition (RCN) announced today that detailed reports on the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)… Read More »Reports of CCHD Malfeasance Sent Directly to Bishops Before Upcoming Meeting
Washington, D.C. (01 June 2010) – American Life League and 26 other pro-life organizations have joined together for “Protest the Pill Day: The Pill Kills the… Read More »26 Pro-Life Groups Unite in Nationwide Protest against Birth Control Pill
Washington, D.C. (01 June 2010) – Defenders of the Unborn, an American Life League Associate group, will bring famed Planned Parenthood-director-turned-pro-life activist Abby Johnson to St.… Read More »ALL Associate Group Hosts Former Planned Parenthood Director at Launch of Constant Witness Program
There may be serious and justifying reasons for killing pre-personal, fetal life. The decision on that belongs naturally to the woman who carries that life. Women have a far better track record than men when it comes to cherishing and protecting life. Let’s leave abortion decisions up to them.
Last month, a headline caught my attention; but like so many these days, I felt compelled to refrain from comment because there were others that presented even more dastardly news.
The headline is not a joke! It is in fact so uncharacteristically serious that there are barely printable words to express my horror. The headline from whence my speechlessness emanates is this: “‘Human rights’ urged for whales and dolphins.”
Washington, D.C. (26 May 2010) – American Life League president Judie Brown is mobilizing support both nationally and internationally for Phoenix, Arizona, Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted… Read More »Catholics Launch International Campaign in Phoenix Abortion Excommunication Case
No matter how challenging this struggle to defend the human person becomes, there is one stunning aspect of it that never ceases to disgust me.
Growing up in suburban Los Angeles, I was not immune to those fairy tales that invited little minds to imagine what it would be like to be Maid Marian or Sir Lancelot or maybe even Cinderella.
“’The person whose life is not guided by sincerity, by an habitual disposition to face up to the truth or to the demands of his… Read More »Genuine Sincerity