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The Pill Kills the Truth

Saturday, June 5th is the third anniversary of American Life League’s groundbreaking effort to expose the fact that the birth control pill is nothing but bad news.

Disrespectfully Yours

It shouldn’t have come as a shock that the hyperventilating over Bishop Thomas Olmsted’s principled actions regarding the abortion of a preborn baby in a Catholic hospital would continue.

Here’s Talking at You!

With increasing frequency, I find that some folks tune out as soon as the word “abortion” enters the conversation and then, there you are, talking basically to yourself.

Agony, Mercy, and Murder

There may be serious and justifying reasons for killing pre-personal, fetal life. The decision on that belongs naturally to the woman who carries that life. Women have a far better track record than men when it comes to cherishing and protecting life. Let’s leave abortion decisions up to them.

If Human Beings Were Whales

The headline is not a joke! It is in fact so uncharacteristically serious that there are barely printable words to express my horror. The headline from whence my speechlessness emanates is this: “‘Human rights’ urged for whales and dolphins.”