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Irving Response to Mississippi ‘Personhood’ Initiative

Pro-life deserves to know that formal legal definitions, such as those proposed here, are usually legally required to be interpreted by the courts as “exclusionary”—that is, only precisely what is included in the definition is covered by the law; anything not precisely included in that definition is not covered by the law.

Consumerism in the Womb

It was with a heavy heart that I read a recent article in the New York Times about an expectant mother’s decision to have one of her twins killed in utero.

ALL Welcomes 4 New Associates to National Network

St. Gerard Campus, Inc. is an independent, nonprofit community consisting of a pregnancy resource center, maternity home and Christian high school (with on-site teaching daycare) for pregnant teenagers located in St. Augustine, Florida.

The Missing Buddies

Many cities across the nation hold annual Down syndrome Buddy Walks which promote “acceptance and inclusion” of people with Down syndrome.

The Carnegie Stages

Judie Brown’s commentary entitled “Caylee Anthony” contains a scientific error that should be corrected. In that commentary Brown writes, “This may sound callous to those people who do not equate a preborn baby—zygote, embryo, and fetus—with someone as adorable as a three-year-old child.”