The Pill: Demanding Honesty Leads to Justice
The fascinating thing about anonymous blog posts is that they frequently provide profound insight while protecting the anonymity of the writer.
The fascinating thing about anonymous blog posts is that they frequently provide profound insight while protecting the anonymity of the writer.
The North Carolina affiliate of the NARAL pro-abortion organization has released a new report today attacking pregnancy centers in the Tar Heel State that provide abortion alternatives to women.
Johnson County prosecutors have more time to try to replace shredded evidence in the country’s first criminal case against Planned Parenthood, a judge ruled Monday.
The pro-life organization Children of God for Life [an American Life League Associate group] announced today the filing of a shareholder resolution with the Securities and Exchange Commission and PepsiCo.
At twelve weeks, when it became clear that Jennifer was expecting triplets, her obstetrician referred her to a specialist.
A new research has claimed that IVF increases the chances of a potentially fatal pregnancy condition by almost 41 per cent.
In an explosive revelation that could bring down Obama Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Johnson County, Kan
The definitions of the terms used in a discussion can and do change the outcome. The political maxim, “He who frames the issue wins the debate” applies in many situations including how the public views what abortion is and why it is either legitimate or illicit.
Betrayal Trauma is a theory that tries to predict the degree to which a negative event, perpetrated by a trusted and needed other.
Former attorney general Phill Kline is under attack by the world’s leading proponent of abortion, Planned Parenthood.
A PDF version of this article is available here. Copyright September 25, 2011 I. INTRODUCTION In a recent article reporting on the efforts of Lancet to… Read More »Catholic Bioethicist Calls To End Ban on Reproductive Cloning
Observing Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the world’s leading authority on debauchery, is a never-ending revelation to those who love God and worship His divine plan by striving to restore moral sanity to the world in which we live.