The Depths of Haughty Disdain’ Starring Barack Obama
It seems to me that since Barack Obama is the star of a 17-minute puff-piece about his presidency.
It seems to me that since Barack Obama is the star of a 17-minute puff-piece about his presidency.
Pro-lifers have been valiant in the long struggle against doctor-assisted suicide. Although they have lost battles in Oregon, Washington, and Montana, they have held the… Read More »A pro-life approach to suicide prevention
When professed atheists begin suggesting to Catholics in name only that it’s time for them to leave the Church, there is something really good happening in America.
Every time the subject of human personhood is raised, somebody immediately argues that legal recognition of personhood would mean an end to in vitro fertilization (IVF).
I had earlier received a call from bioethics guru Art Caplan. He was organizing the first-ever conference on Bioethics and the Holocaust, in Minnesota.
Liberal Media Complicit in Fake ‘Lesbian Communion’ Controversy: ALL
As a biochemistry major at the end of my junior year, I had already had some of my research published earlier.
Ever since the Obama administration chose to ramrod a policy that is anathema to Catholic doctrine, we have seen all sorts of machinations emanating from the media, twisting and mollifying the argument in order to remove clarity from exactly what it is Obama is attempting to do.
In a shocking decision delivered February 28, President Obama’s Security and Exchange Commission ruled that PepsiCo’s use of aborted fetal remains in its research and development agreement with Senomyx to produce flavor enhancers falls under “ordinary business operations.”
Last week a headline read, “Virginia Senate Passes Ultrasound Bill.”
Washington Post gives the number ‘two Pinochio’s’ as Obama battles to silence and humiliate Catholic Church: ALL
As a mother, I can recall playing the Sesame Street game, “One of These Things Is Not Like the Other,” with our children when they were very young.