Abortion and America’s Dirty Little Secret
Not too long ago Bill O’Reilly made the astute observation that Americans are the ones responsible for the chaos that is currently enveloping this nation.
Not too long ago Bill O’Reilly made the astute observation that Americans are the ones responsible for the chaos that is currently enveloping this nation.
By Mark Pickup
The theme for Mass [last] Nov. 25, the feast of Christ the King, may seem more suited to the weeks leading to Easter than the weeks leading to Christmas.
It is extremely difficult to think about what one might say after 40 years of decriminalized barbarism.
By Kenneth D. Whitehead
You don’t have to go out of your way today to be confronted with the subject of contraception.
I am having a difficult time discerning exactly what it is that has Cardinal Timothy Dolan so hot under the collar when it comes to the pro-abortion inclinations of his friend, Catholic New York governor Andrew Cuomo.
By Matthew Hennessey
It all comes down to abortion. That’s what my late father-in-law always said. No philosophical disagreement, no policy debate, no theological quibble rivals our fundamental and unbridgeable divide on the question of abortion.
The new year has just gotten started and already the nation’s major enemy of human dignity is up to something suspicious.
he news media is reporting that Planned Parenthood has changed its verbiage and will no longer use the term “pro-choice.”
Anyone who has seen the latest DROID DNA smart phone ads realizes that such devices have become nearly inseparable from man’s person.
By Peter Baklinski
People often wonder why many people involved in the pro-life movement are also interested in homosexuality-related issues.
With the passage of each year it appears that more and more Americans are being served a platter of nuanced messages regarding how one is to care for a dying loved one.
By Denise Hunnell, M.D.
Speaking to an audience at Oxford University, Bishop Anthony Fisher of the Diocese of Parramatta, Australia, declared