What about ‘After Gosnell’?
By Rey Flores
We’ve all heard the pro-aborts lament and ask what happens “After Tiller.” They even made a movie about the late, late-term abortionist George Tiller. Now I ask: What’s “After Gosnell”?
By Rey Flores
We’ve all heard the pro-aborts lament and ask what happens “After Tiller.” They even made a movie about the late, late-term abortionist George Tiller. Now I ask: What’s “After Gosnell”?
Abortionist Kermit Gosnell has been convicted of three counts of first-degree murder in infant deaths and one count of manslaughter in the death of Karnamaya Mongar.
The past few days have revealed an emerging trend which should be heartening to faithful Catholics who have for so long yearned for good news.
“We undoubtedly will now hear from other abortionists like Planned Parenthood how Gosnell is the exception and that he is not representative of the abortion industry.
By Ryan Bomberger
Abortion activists are trying desperately to blame the actions of one of their own on pro-lifers.
In this era of motherhood by choice, we confront an oddity that I could never have imagined would occur in my lifetime.
Monday, May 13, the Texas House will hear HB1444, “An Act relating to advance directives and health care and treatment.
By Jill Stanek
Although President Obama had no trouble commenting on the ongoing Trayvon Martin case
By Rita Diller
Four days before he was elected to the papacy, then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio said that the next pope must be one who will bring the Church out of itself and set the laity on the path of evangelization.
The dictionary states that the definition of diverse is one thing differing from another. It further defines diversity as a noun meaning variety.
-In a letter to the bishops of Argentina sent in late March, Pope Francis directed them to govern the Church there following the Aparecida Document.
Where did actions such as those taken by abortionist Kermit Gosnell begin? Is there a logical explanation for practices that reflect such a callous disregard for human life?