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The Cuomo Effect: Catholic Bishops, Politics, and Christ

Defending Christ in the Eucharist is something that no clergy should be afraid to do. When we receive His most precious body and blood, we must do so reverently and free from mortal sin. This includes all Catholics and anyone who calls himself a Catholic. To receive Our Lord in any other way is sacrilege.

Finding Peace

Peace begins at home. But what happens when we willfully destroy the home and the people in it? As a society, we are in trouble, for there is a war being waged upon us. And if we don’t arm ourselves properly, we will lose this war. But the reality is that we will lose so much more than that.

Released Torture Report the World Missed

By Kurt Kondrich
There has been much media coverage and international uproar over the release of the CIA “Torture Report,” and many policymakers have expressed a high level of outrage over the tactics used to interrogate suspected terror detainees.

Archbishop Fisichella: Please Apologize

Recently, a meeting of the Pontifical Academy for Life occurred in Vatican City. It was suggested by some members of the Academy prior to the meeting that there could be a bit of “fireworks” due to the questionable statements that had been made by Academy President Archbishop Rino Fisichella during the previous year.

A Positive Year Leads to a Bright Future

As another year closes, we take a few moments to reflect upon the blessings bestowed upon us. We offer a prayer of thanks for our faith, for the power of Our Lord, and for the people who have helped effect change. And we look forward to a year filled with many more blessings a year where we hope to see lives spared, hearts opened, and souls saved.

Values, Acts of Torture, and Obama

Though we may hear news stories that disturb us, let us not lose perspective. There are stories we rarely hear, stories of torture that happens every day in our country. We cannot forget the tiny cries that come from mouths that have been silenced all too soon.

Faith Lessons from Santa

By Kurt Kondrich
Recently my beautiful 11-year-old daughter Chloe Emmanuel who has Down syndrome met with Santa Claus when he drove through our neighborhood on a fire truck.

Tolerance of Evil Is Not Freedom

Freedom is a word used and abused on a daily basis a word used for people’s own selfish purposes. But Christ came here and died for us, for a freedom many don’t understand. So what does this word really mean?