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Death Peddlers Have No Shame

Those who kill preborn babies may have no shame, but we who fight to give voice to these innocent children certainly do. We watch in horror as minute after minute, day after day, and week after week, babies are killed and discarded. The trail of blood is sickening and it’s a trail that we must work unceasingly to stop.

Cardinal Dolan’s Pink Shamrock

Cardinals and other clergy must lead by example, for when they do not, confusion reigns. If we do not see Church leaders standing up for Church doctrine, how can we have the strength to do so? Instead of a good example, these men only become fodder for those who either choose not to do as the Church teaches or who are ignorant about the teachings.

Is Marriage a Form of Prostitution?

By Angela Shanahan
When I heard that an Australian social commentator called Jane Caro had compared “traditional” marriage to prostitution on the popular TV program Q&A, I thought, “Oh, here we go again!” That trope of feminist literature is almost as raddled as the raddled old feminists themselves. After pushing the marriage-as-slavery ideology for the last 40 years, can’t people like Caro come up with something more original?

America’s Fear of Children

Here is how one enemy of the family defines fecundophobia. During the 2012 election cycle, Washington Post writer Lisa Miller wrote about politicians displaying pictures of their families showcasing their wives and children.

Propaganda Film Humanizes Slaughtering Children

Abortion is a horrifying, tragic act that takes the life of a child who depended on his mother to care for him. Instead, his life is literally torn apart. A new PBS movie airing this holiday weekend attempts to humanize the monsters responsible for this slaughter. What can we do about this?

Including People with Down’s

By Mark Davis Pickup
A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) news blog featured a story about a new line of clothing for people with Down syndrome that has been launched.