Where Are the Real Social Justice Agencies of the Catholic Church?
By Michael Hichborn
Genuine social justice is not composed of bureaucracies, collaboration with government agencies, and high salaries.
By Michael Hichborn
Genuine social justice is not composed of bureaucracies, collaboration with government agencies, and high salaries.
American Life League Releases Report on PP Salaries
By Rita Diller
When I answered the call to go to Oregon and attend the Oregon Adolescent Sexuality Conference two years ago, I knew it would be one of the hardest things I had ever done.
Last Friday’s Supreme Court decision regarding the union of two people of the same sex should come as no surprise to anyone involved in defending human beings from creation to death.
By Rita Diller
From its earliest days, the development, research, and promotion of the pill were built on lies. The lies continue today. Women are irreparably harmed by those lies.
By Mark Davis Pickup
A recent news story told about a village in Holland called Hogeway. At first glance Hogeway seems like any normal small community.
By Rita Diller
She died after 25 days on the pill. She was only 21. As in so many blood clot cases caused by birth control, she was misdiagnosed when she went to the hospital struggling to breathe and experiencing pain in her legs and ribs.
By Susan Ciancio
I am honored to be able to publish here the text of a letter from a priest who shall remain anonymous, writing to Catholics about the resignation of His Excellency Robert Finn.
Respect for every human being’s life and the sanctity of marriage is the cornerstone and heartbeat of any nation.
The Washington Post has a way with words when it comes to topics such as euthanizing the elderly and the dying. A recent headline, “A Humane Way to End Life,” caught my eye because of the underlying message that assisted suicide is actually a good idea.
By Michael Hichborn
Pope Francis’ recent encyclical on global warming, Laudato Si, has been a rather hot topic of late (no pun intended).
By Rey Flores
In the fall of 1982 there were a number of unexplainable and mysterious deaths that took place in the Chicago area.