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Babies ‘Incompatible with Life’

The innocent, the hurting, the sick, or anyone crying for help should immediately evoke love and compassion. We should reach out to them, not shun them, not kill them. They were given to us to care for, and care for them we must. To do anything else is simply barbaric.

The Pill Actually Kills the Women, and Girls, Who Take Them

There is a great deal of mis-information about the birth control pill. Many of the myths will be cleared up in this week’s featured video.

Dr. Angela Lanfranchi is a breast surgeon and clinical assistant professor of surgery at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Dr. Lanfranchi heads up the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, and gives a riveting presentation of the scientific proof of how the birth control pill (hormonal contraception) kills.

The Pill Kills National Day of Action Is Coming

Sunday, June 7, 2015, will be the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Griswold decision that legalized contraception throughout the United States and found the right to privacy in sexual matters in the penumbra (shadows) of the U.S. Constitution.

In This Month’s Hoopla Over Teen Pregnancy, Know the Facts

May is “Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month,” and we can all expect to be bombarded with messages that our children need to be “responsible” when they engage in sexual activity. Just this week, a CNN article blamed parents for the fact that teenagers don’t use birth control as frequently as the birth control industry thinks they should. The article quoted a survey taken by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. That survey reportedly found that 68 percent of teens said they agreed with the statement that the primary reason why they don’t use birth control or protection is because they’re afraid their parents will find out.

ALL Defends Preborn Human Life and the Right to Speak in Their Defense

LifeNews referenced American Life League in a story concerning free speech rights at abortion facilities. ALL president Judie Brown was quoted in the article.

CBS Los Angeles mentioned American Life League’s stance that “despite being created in a laboratory, a frozen embryo is also ‘created by God’ and ‘has a soul’ and that allowing such embryos to ‘thaw’ and be destroyed is tantamount to ‘murder.’”

Science Run Amok

Science fiction was once just that-fiction. They were stories meant to frighten us, to make us wary of what the future might hold. Well, now we seem to be living that future. And we should be very worried.

Why I Do This Job

By Melissa Pena
Working at American Life League, I frequently encounter one of two reactions when I talk to someone else about where I work.

A New Spiritual Adoption Program Starts TODAY

Are you looking for a fun, engaging way to pray for the preborn, as well as teach your children about the miracle of life? Join Holy Heroes’ Spiritual Adoption Prayer Adventure-a 9-month program that follows the development of a preborn child from creation to birth!

An Active Week in the Fight against Planned Parenthood

This week, the legislature in the state of Michigan added a restriction to the state’s budget bill which states that any organization-like Planned Parenthood-that allows abortions will not be able to receive any state funding. In the past, Planned Parenthood received as much as $700,000 from the state. Although the legislators have shut that money down, the language in the budget bill will prevent any government official from circumventing the will of the legislature and of the citizens of Michigan.

Save a Baby through the Spiritual Adoption Program

Spiritually adopting a baby is not only rewarding for your entire family, but saves lives and souls.

When you join the Spiritual Adoption Program, you will receive:

• Twice monthly e-mails full of fun information about the baby’s growth
• Videos from Holy Heroes “Adventure Guides”
• Footage of a baby’s development in the womb
• Audio prayers to pray along with
• Printable activities

This 3-minute video highlights important information and facts about the program to show how important your prayers are to each and every baby.