Protest Planned Parenthood on February 11
Next Saturday take time out of your day to tell Planned Parenthood and our government that enough is enough.
Next Saturday take time out of your day to tell Planned Parenthood and our government that enough is enough.
From the March for Life to a new SCOTUS nominee, this week has brought us some amazing news.
Great news fills this week as we see encouraging things happen that will return our country to a culture of life.
Caring for those who are sick or dying should be a privilege not a burden, yet society does not seem to understand the love that we should show to our fellow man in their time of need.
We are excited about the nomination of Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. We firmly believe that he will be a fitting person to fill the seat formerly occupied by Justice Antonin Scalia. Judge Gorsuch shares the same values and commitment to life as American Life League and its supporters. We look forward to doing everything we can to see that this exemplary man is confirmed by the Senate and takes his seat as soon as possible.
Though much has been written about various marches in the last couple weeks, the most recent and most important saw people gathering to give voice to the tiniest and most defenseless members of our society.
In the Gospel of Matthew (11.25-30) you will find a much loved passage where Jesus says “Come to me, all you who weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
Jesus gave His life so that we might live with him in eternal life. This incredible gift is ours if we follow His teachings and examples. Yet some are willing to throw this away.
As a 23-year-old woman I consider myself extremely independent and aware of my rights.
New statistics remind us of the devastation wrought by the abortion industry. We must combat this devastation with Christ-like actions.
A wife shows us how to truly love in the face of adversity.
What is the real legacy that lives on because of Margaret Sanger and the organization she founded?