And Who Do You Say I Am?
Just as we cannot deny Christ, we also cannot deny the humanity of the preborn baby. As Christ taught us, whatever we do to the least of our brothers, we do unto Him.
Just as we cannot deny Christ, we also cannot deny the humanity of the preborn baby. As Christ taught us, whatever we do to the least of our brothers, we do unto Him.
The latest version of the Obamacare Repeal and Replace Bill takes away approximately $400 million from Planned Parenthood.
Everyone is called to give a positive witness of the culture of life.
Though some may want to turn a blind eye, there is no denying the connection between contraception and abortion.
What did the pope say about President Trump?
It’s not just the Democrats trying to retain federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
The Culture of Life Studies Program has amazing educational resources for your entire family.
Opening this small package brings tears of joy to a very special young man.
In yet one more way, PP has insinuated itself into the lives of single people looking for companionship.
Though confusion has seemed to emanate from recent actions out of Rome, we understand that Christ is in charge. He will be our refuge.
We often hear the misconception that a fetus is not human.
We all aspire to be heroes. But as Christians, our goal is so much more than being a hero in the eyes of the world.