An Exciting Opportunity for Students!
Students can share their pro-life beliefs and win cash or awesome pro-life gear.
Students can share their pro-life beliefs and win cash or awesome pro-life gear.
What is Planned Parenthood trying to get us to believe now?
This was a week full of events and stories you don’t want to miss.
Today is the perfect day to begin a novena asking our Blessed Mother to help bring an end to abortion.
What happened to the days when doctors did all they could to do no harm and to save every person entrusted in their care?
Planned Parenthood Federation of America has gone from 791 facilities in 1985 (the year we started) to 610 facilities today.
American Life League joined with Children of God for Life in praising GlaxoSmithKline for producing an ethically sourced shingles vaccine that was just recently approved by the FDA for licensing in the US. Shingrix is produced using a yeast cell line.
We challenge you to follow in the footsteps of a Marine general and shine the light of truth on PP’s nefarious practices.
An Australian nurse explains the realities of euthanasia—realities that know no borders.
Through these awesome pictures, you can witness the pride these young people exhibit as they work to protect all human beings.
What happened to that app?
This week saw encouraging pro-life news on a couple different fronts.