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Population Control – What the Media Says

We receive nearly all population related information from the media and from sources that are mostly directed by a few wealthy people who frequently mislead to create the impression that there are too many people.  They use the same technique demagogues and dictators have always used.  They focus attention on an unusual part of the data that seems to point to a coming disaster or problem unless the viewer accepts the desired belief, and substantially suppress contrary information.

The media publish false information related to population and other topics and manipulate the public because many owners of the major media want to use their power to change public morals and opinions.  Periodically, media writers and producers are forced to attend propaganda conferences where they are told what to write and produce to manipulate public attitudes and how to do it in the most effective manner. 

Subsequently, as the science of using TV to change public attitudes without the public knowing they were being manipulated has advanced, the conferences have become specialized with different conferences for writers and producers of different types of television. 

With a few rare exceptions, Christian Fundamentalists, Evangelicals, Muslims and Catholics, who compromise a majority of the world’s people, are “non-persons” whose beliefs are not praised or shown to cause much good.  Those who love “until death do us part” are seldom portrayed as heroes.  All types of immoral acts (promiscuity, fornication, adultery) are promoted by the portrayal of sympathetic characters with no mention of the frequent ill after-effects.  The teaching by the media uses attitudes and associations with characters, not reasoning or facts.

It comes as no real surprise to those in the pro-life movement that the recent alarms being issued about global warming as well as the worldwide economic crisis we now face are generating more and more news articles about increased contraceptive use, abortion as a “solution” to financial difficulties and calls to reduce population.  It is easy to see how the practices of eugenics and euthanasia are gaining more of a foothold.  Even Pope Benedict XVI has recently warned of the rise of a “new eugenics” that judges the worth of an individual based on his or her genetic makeup, as expressed in factors such as health and beauty.