We need Judie’s timeless wisdom now more than ever!

Think Abortion, Say Child, Stop the Nightmare
By Judie Brown Planned Parenthood has an ugly way of helping even the cold of heart think about the reality of every abortion. In a recent headline, for example, we read, “Planned Parenthood Botched Abortion So Badly the Baby Was Still Inside the Mother’s Womb.” Let that sink in for a moment. According to the story: The New York Times published the article, entitled “Botched Care and...
The Love of God
By Judie Brown Having lost my husband Paul in late 2021 after a complicated set of conditions, including emphysema, I really felt moved by this quote from the second letter of Paul to the Corinthians: I refrain, so that no one may think more of me than what he sees in...
By Judie Brown A clash between politics and reality creates stress, and in some cases it creates a collision between truth and mere perception. When this happens, if noticed by the general population, a response is expected. But in today’s mile-a-minute culture, few...
The Folly of Our Age
By Judie Brown Saint Thomas Aquinas once wrote, “The study of truth requires a considerable effort—which is why few are willing to undertake it out of love of knowledge—despite the fact that God has implanted a natural appetite for such knowledge in the minds of men.”...
Irrevocable Truth
By Judie Brown The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, “As creator and Lord, God is the norm of all truth. Human speech is either in accord with or in opposition to God who is Truth itself.” Words do have consequences, whether spoken by pro-life or anti-life...
Who Are You?
By Judie Brown Simple questions oftentimes have challenging answers in today’s free-form perspective on basic biological facts. For our purposes, the case in point is the topic of gender. President Donald J. Trump seems to understand the evidence. In an executive...
Screwtape Despises Truth
By Judie Brown Screwtape, C.S. Lewis’ fictional characterization of the devil, would be dancing on his hot stones if he were aware of what is happening in our frenzied society. And as he is the instigator of all things evil, we know that he is, in...