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Judie’s Latest Commentary
A Spoonful of Murder
By Judie Brown If you recall Mary Poppins’ lovely song “A Spoonful of Sugar,” you know that it is wise advice to sweeten the taste buds when using sour medicine. A similar concept is used today but in a tragic manner. I was reminded of this when I learned that some pro-life folks are actually working to urge President-Elect Trump to restrict the killing of the innocent preborn children in our...
More Judie Brown Commentary
You Are So Cruel!
By Judie Brown Kamala Harris tends to exaggerate, but she is also a bit out of her league when it comes to using the English language. For example, a recent ABC News article stated, “Vice President Kamala Harris said Saturday that Republican former President...
Tales from the Pit
By Judie Brown The word “pit” in the title refers to the specific pit commonly known as hell—a place of excruciating, never-ending suffering for the souls of those who have rejected God. As Monsignor Charles Pope writes, The souls in hell may have refused to empty...
First Abolish Murder
By Judie Brown Think about these words and ask yourself if something is awry: “In a renewed appeal, Pope Francis called for the worldwide abolition of the death penalty, arguing it ‘attacks the inviolability and dignity of the person,’ contrasting against traditional...
Columbus Day Slaps Down Wokeness
By Judie Brown In his column on the error among those who cackle about why Americans should not have celebrated Columbus Day, Peter Wolfgang opined: Columbus did what no European did before him. Whatever Europeans may have been here prior to Columbus left no lasting...
No Man’s Land
By Judie Brown Wikipedia tells us that no man’s land is “waste or unowned land or an uninhabited or desolate area that may be under dispute between parties who leave it unoccupied out of fear or uncertainty.” This sounds eerily similar to the advocates for...
Believe or Know?
By Judie Brown We know that faith is a gift from God—“a supernatural virtue infused by Him.” But a person can believe something that is contrary to God’s commandments and feel that their view is correct. This is the tragedy that befalls too many in the secular world...