By Susan Ciancio
The Culture of Life Studies Program has recently developed a study guide for the 2019 movie Unplanned. Based on the book of the same name, Unplanned is Abby Johnson’s story of her path to Planned Parenthood clinic director and then to pro-life advocate. This poignant movie shows the devastation of abortion, the limitlessness of God’s mercy, and the fact that no one is unredeemable.
In our 8-page movie guide, we not only give a synopsis of the film, but we present a Life Theme to help teens understand that God never gives up on anyone. In addition, we offer 14 discussion questions (and answers!), give suggestions for a small group/discussion project, and present optional essay questions. Plus, we give several suggestions for ways your teens can further their pro-life knowledge by doing outside research. This study guide is perfect for use at home or in any religious education classroom!
Below are five reasons you should watch this movie and use our discussion guide with your teens.
1.The March for Life is next week, so this is the perfect time to teach your teens about the largest abortion provider in the US.
What your kids don’t know will hurt them. It’s likely that they hear about funding for Planned Parenthood on TV or social media. It’s also likely that some of their favorite stars or musicians spew Planned Parenthood’s accolades. It’s our job as parents and teachers to teach teens the truth about this organization.
2. In these days of “shout your abortion,” teens must know the reality of abortion.
The Shout Your Abortion movement tells teens and young adults that abortion is “normal.” It doesn’t say that it dismembers a baby each and every time. It doesn’t say that it leaves mothers and fathers with holes in their hearts. It doesn’t say that it destroys families. That’s why we must be the ones to tell our kids these truths.
3. Unplanned is poignant and real.
So many scenes in this movie will open your eyes to the horrors of abortion. Yes, abortion really is the killing of a tiny human baby. Your teens will understand this fact after watching.
4. Unplanned is a story of redemption and forgiveness.
In the movie, Abby is painfully overwhelmed with her involvement in thousands of abortions. But she comes to understand that God forgives her. Our Life Theme expands on this and helps teens understand that no one who is repentant is unforgivable.
5. As parents and teachers, it is our responsibility to create the next generation of pro-lifers. Tools like this are vital.
The culture of death has a huge arsenal of tools it uses to poison the minds of our children. Movies like Unplanned, along with our discussion guide, teach kids the truth and help them learn to stand up for the truth. Through our discussion and essay questions, we help you teach your children how to articulate their pro-life beliefs with courage.
Unplanned is available on various movie streaming services. For a limited time, our guide is just $1.99! Now is the perfect time to discuss pro-life truths.

This article has been reprinted with permission and can be found at