Explicit: implies such plainness and distinctness that there is no room for ambiguity or reason for difficulty in interpretation.
Implicit: implied or indicated but not actually expressed, although clearly contained in the nature of someone or something.
Intention: a knowing and willing determination or decision to act in a certain way; the reason, end or goal for performing a specific action; resolve.
Limit: to curtail or reduce in quality, quantity or extent.
Absolute: free from imperfection; having no restriction, exception, or qualification.
Relativism: a view that ethical truths depend upon the beliefs of individuals and groups holding them.
Ethics: the consideration of the rightness or wrongness of human actions in reference to an objectively good end or goal.
Statement on Truth and Life: Appendices
- Statement of Agreement
- Glossary
- Endorsements
- Appendix 1: Principle of Double Effect
- Appendix 2: Explanation of Complicity with the Action
- Appendix 3: Life of the Mother Exception
- Appendix 4: Legal Recognition of Personhood
- Appendix 5: Ensoulment
- Appendix 6: The Zygote and Personhood
- Appendix 7: Natural Law Ethical Theory