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Tolerance as Moral Principle

It seems to be the mantra of today’s society that we are told to be tolerant and to just accept the changes in morality that occur almost daily. Belief in God’s commandments is scoffed at. Holding fast to faith is looked down upon. When we allow morality to fade away and tolerance to take over, the face of God is obscured and His teachings lost. The result is a society also lost a society aching and hurting.

Stop Big Abortion

Big Abortion flourishes because not all human beings are valued. Big Abortion flourishes because a preborn baby’s life is not given the respect it deserves. Today’s hedonistic and selfish society cannot seem to grasp the horror that, with every abortion, a preborn baby is slaughtered. Can we combat this? There are ways.

A Planned Parenthood Parable

Planned Parenthood tries with all its might to persuade people to its side, to lead them to think and believe that there is nothing wrong with aborting a child. The organization has even brought in “clergy” to attempt to justify its own agenda. Planned Parenthood does not want you to know the truth. In fact, PP is scared that you will find out the truth.

Misery and Joy in a Lost City

In a city that’s gone bankrupt and is riddled with violence, it’s easy to get lost in hopelessness. But one organization wants to change this. One organization wants to bring hope and love to women and babies by teaching the value of preborn life. So although devastation abounds, optimism is not dead.

A Deep Sadness Amidst Unthinkable Crimes

When tragedy occurs, the tendency of most people is to ask, “Why?” We want to know why it happened and how it can be prevented in the future. These are certainly laudable goals. But maybe some reflection is needed as well reflection upon the values and morals in society and the changes that have taken place over the last several decades. Reflection upon the family, upon how we are raising our children, about the influences and the bombardment of immorality. If we are to effect change, we must first look here.

At Planned Parenthood, That’s Just the Way it Is!

Accept, or you are labeled insensitive or intolerant. Accept and allow, or you are labeled narrow-minded or discriminatory. Do not follow the teachings of the Lord, or you are labeled unbalanced or extreme. These, and more, are the ideas Planned Parenthood has subtly put into our heads and the heads of our children. These are the ideas shaping today’s culture. And these are the ideas we can no longer let continue to blossom.

The Pill Kills Families

The destruction of the family is one of the greatest disasters of the last century. It has happened subtly, almost silently, and now we are left with the carnage. How will we alter the path that so many seem so willing to travel? Will we raise our voices in protest? If we want to make changes and save lives and souls, we must.

Catholic Chaos

When bishops don’t lead, the flock will flounder and begin to stray. When bishops don’t speak out, how can we expect anyone else to raise their voices? When Catholics in the public scene repeatedly and without shame disgrace the Church and the body of Christ, yet are not reprimanded for it, how can we expect anyone to follow Church teaching?

The Death Penalty and Justice for All

The skewed view of injustice in our country should make everyone take a step back and look hard at what it truly means to value the dignity of each and every human being. Yet we don’t see an outcry when innocent babies are aborted each and every second of the day. Babies cannot speak for themselves, so it is up to us to speak for them. True injustice lies in the silence.

We Must First Have Mercy

In order to effect change, we must act upon the words of mercy spoken by Christ and the successors of Peter. We must love and care for all of God’s children, with no exceptions, and we must teach others to do the same. If we do this, and help others do this as well, our society will hopefully move away from the culture of death in which it has become entrenched and move toward a culture of life.