The Little Baby and the Great Ape
Nothing gives better evidence to the fact that we live in a skewed world than people who vehemently honor the rights of animals over the rights of human beings.
Nothing gives better evidence to the fact that we live in a skewed world than people who vehemently honor the rights of animals over the rights of human beings.
Babies lost to the slaughter of abortion, contraception, and in the science lab should not be remembered on just one day a year. If we want to change hearts and minds—and save lives—we must remember them each and every day.
In today’s world, we don’t often see men fighting for the truth at great personal cost. Let us keep this real hero in our prayers.
What can we do for a society that no longer understands morality or knows the difference between right and wrong?
Did you know that the lies of Planned Parenthood started with a woman named Margaret Sanger?
Nothing could be more despicable than creating a video making fun of those who spend their lives trying to help women and babies.
We cannot run or hide from the reality that an abortion kills a preborn baby. Nor can we deny the many ways our nation kills babies each and every day. Don’t turn a blind eye to the facts. Educate yourselves.
Do you know the truth behind embryonic stem cell research? It’s not what many would have you believe.
Abortion—the great panacea. It will solve all your problems and make you happier. This is the great lie told by the abortion industry—a lie you should never believe.
The mind-boggling infestation of immorality in our country is taking its toll. And each and every day it takes lives. When will it stop?
Legislatures attempt to tell us when a baby is actually a human being, but we know the truth. A human being exists from the first moment of his creation. There is simply no other reality.
As Congress investigates the nefarious actions of Planned Parenthood, we must all pray that the truth comes out and shows the country the despicable nature of this organization.