Pope Francis and the Pontifical Academy for Life: Part II
Today’s second part in the three-part series about the Pontifical Academy for Life sheds light on some of its inner workings.
Today’s second part in the three-part series about the Pontifical Academy for Life sheds light on some of its inner workings.
When we elevate animals to a status greater than humans, we teach others that human beings have little value or are disposable. Is this what we want our children believing?
Today begins Judie Brown’s must-read three-part series examining the Pontifical Academy for Life and Pope Francis’ disturbing actions regarding this cherished institution.
Very rarely is there a person so brilliant, so dedicated, and so compassionate that her words and wisdom live on well past her time on earth. Mildred Fay Jefferson was one such woman.
Have you heard the disturbing news about the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life?
How have we become a nation of people who believe that it’s a “right” for a woman to allow someone to tear apart her baby?
To truly know and understand love is to truly know and understand Christ. Yet what happens when we lose sight of our faith and deny that love?
Day in and day out, Planned Parenthood uses our money to kill innocent babies. When will it stop?
It is simple. It is a scientific fact. A person’s life begins at his biological beginning. Opinion cannot change that fact.
Caring for those who are sick or dying should be a privilege not a burden, yet society does not seem to understand the love that we should show to our fellow man in their time of need.
Though much has been written about various marches in the last couple weeks, the most recent and most important saw people gathering to give voice to the tiniest and most defenseless members of our society.
Jesus gave His life so that we might live with him in eternal life. This incredible gift is ours if we follow His teachings and examples. Yet some are willing to throw this away.