The Turkey Vulture Scandal
We live in a society that cares more for animals than human beings. How do we combat this?
We live in a society that cares more for animals than human beings. How do we combat this?
Man-made laws will not properly protect each and every human being unless we also incorporate God’s laws.
The culture of death continues to attempt to draw us in, smother us with its lies, and wash away all knowledge of what is good and true. But we have the antidote.
Halloween may be spooky, but the Trump administration’s handling of the birth control mandate is far from it.
What happened to the days when doctors did all they could to do no harm and to save every person entrusted in their care?
We challenge you to follow in the footsteps of a Marine general and shine the light of truth on PP’s nefarious practices.
Abortion kills a baby and irreparably harms the mother. When will people finally understand this?
In a country replete with indifference and sometimes even disdain for preborn babies, we must do everything in our power to protect and defend them—from the very first moment they are created.
Judie Brown describes the extraordinary weekend she had recently at the 2017 Fatima Centennial Summit.
A physician tells the truth about the contraceptive mandate and about the myriad effects of contraception.
Just this week the United States House of Representatives passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Contrary to the headlines and statements from pro-life pundits, this bill is NOT a ban.
No one likes to suffer, but humans are not animals who can be “put down” when infirmity or old age comes. How do we teach respect for God’s children in an era where assisted suicide is becoming more and more acceptable?