The Value of a Single Human Life
Everyone has value. Everyone matters. No matter what.
Everyone has value. Everyone matters. No matter what.
With God, all things are possible, even the eradication of a cancer that has infested our society for decades.
What is higher education teaching these days? You won’t believe the nonsense spewed by this college student.
Resolve this year to teach the truth that a baby’s life begins at his biological beginning, not at some arbitrary time determined by a government official.
As the new year begins, let us resolve to be more fervent in our efforts to teach Christ’s truths and to spread His love to all.
A special New Year’s message from Judie Brown
Christmas is upon us. Let us make time to rejoice in the wonder of the Christ Child.
Fidelity and faithfulness aren’t mere words we should use occasionally or lightly. They are a way of life.
If we want to become a society that respects the dignity of all people—born and preborn—we must rid it of the pollution that enslaves us.
ALL’s Culture of Life Studies Program has the perfect way to counter the culture of death that has permeated society.
The Eucharist is never to be used in any sort of political maneuver.
Would you step out of your comfort zone to show Christ’s love to preborn babies?