The Audacity Of Manipulation, Obama-Style
It has been our observation over the course of the past 11 months or so that Barack Obama is a master of the stage—even when his teleprompter crashes to the floor.
It has been our observation over the course of the past 11 months or so that Barack Obama is a master of the stage—even when his teleprompter crashes to the floor.
Peggy Loonan, a columnist in Colorado, recently wrote an opinion piece about “anti-abortion hardliners” such as yours truly.
When I was growing up, one of the things my parents taught me, by example and instruction, was never to move off the goal
As a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, and as someone who begged its president to correct his statement regarding the nine-year-old Brazilian girl’s abortion
It’s Friday, which usually means there must be some really bad news out there. Sure enough, what the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals did yesterday is about as bad as it can get.
Time and time again, we are called upon to respond to a question average Americans ask: “Why doesn’t the media—conservative or liberal
It is always with more than a little trepidation that I begin the task of wading through a papal encyclical. In the case of Caritas in Veritate
The news from the Obama administration late yesterday did not surprise those of us who understand President Obama’s penchant for saying one thing while doing quite another behind the scenes
A few days ago, I came upon an article about a certain Episcopalian priestess named Rev. Nina Churchman. Rev.
Having just returned from a 16-day tour of national parks in the western states, from Glacier to Zion, I was overwhelmed by a feeling of tranquility upon realizing
Pro-life lawyers, doctors, politicians and journalists are crucial in the ongoing fight to halt abortion and other crimes against innocent human beings
I have been working on a homily for this Sunday, Respect Life Sunday, all week. And I wrote and wrote. After countless pages, I began to be overwhelmed by the task at hand, and it became clear to me that it’s just not possible to adequately address this subject in a homily.