Say What? A Personhood Primer
Recently, a pro-life gentleman asked this question about the language of American Life League’s Federal Human Personhood Amendment (FHPA) and the 2010 Colorado Personhood Amendment
Recently, a pro-life gentleman asked this question about the language of American Life League’s Federal Human Personhood Amendment (FHPA) and the 2010 Colorado Personhood Amendment
Eileen Smith’s daughter and grandchild were killed in Hyannis, Massachusetts, just two short years ago.
The president of the United States will address a joint session of Congress tomorrow evening.
Webster tells us that the transitive verb “pillar” means “to provide or strengthen with or as if with pillars.” At the opposite end
Today, it is my sincere privilege to provide you with what is the last word on the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s funeral.
There are many pro-life Americans who knew Robert Schindler far better than I, but I doubt there were many who respected him more than
Each of us who believe in the justice and mercy of God are called, as an act of charity, to pray for the repose of the soul of the deceased. However, there are some rubrics of decorum that should
The devil is in the details, and the devil in H.R. 3200, the Obama administration’s so-called health care reform bill, has been anesthetized, so as to appear innocuous. But this devil is also a chameleon, created in a very crafty fashion.
Why would a thriving Catholic hospital endanger its ethical mission by teaming up with a medical conglomerate that supports abortion, contraception, the morning-after pill and human embryonic stem cell research?
Just this morning, I received a nice phone call from someone who does not believe in e-mail, nor does he “do” e-mail! That’s right; he considers it among the most problematic ways to connect with other human beings.
A few days ago, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards wrote a rather contemptuous column about the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
President Obama has resorted to an incredibly infantile phrase—”wee-weed up”—to degrade his “health care reform” detractors.