Delta Smelt Fish, Dolphins and Babies
A serious drought in California’s agricultural areas has sent fruit and vegetable prices soaring, but people probably don’t know much else about the situation. Well, there’s a bit of a fish story behind it.
A serious drought in California’s agricultural areas has sent fruit and vegetable prices soaring, but people probably don’t know much else about the situation. Well, there’s a bit of a fish story behind it.
Have mercy on me, God, in your goodness; in your abundant compassion blot out my offense. Wash away all my guilt; from my sin cleanse… Read More »A Biblical Examination of Conscience
Washington, D.C. (02 March 2010) – American Life League welcomed the newest member organization of the ALL Associates program: Right to Life of the Central Coast… Read More »ALL Welcomes New Associate: Right to Life of the Central Coast
Black clouds cover the stars and moon, and the quiet Chinese city is damp with yesterday’s rain. A point of light, small but brilliant, creeps along a misty alleyway.
A pure heart create for me, O God; put a steadfast spirit within me. Amen.
Washington, D.C. (02 March 2010) – American Life League applauds Bishop David Ricken of Green Bay, Wisconsin, for prudently withholding contributions to the Catholic Campaign for… Read More »ALL Praises Bishop of Green Bay for Supporting Authentic Catholic Charitable Efforts
On February 18, Virginia Delegate Robert G. Marshall delivered remarks at a press conference held in the state capital in Richmond.
12. In fact, while the climate of widespread moral uncertainty can in some way be explained by the multiplicity and gravity of today’s social problems, and these can sometimes mitigate the subjective responsibility of individuals
“The angels sang: Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth. The person who shows love and compassion to those… Read More »Blessed are you!
“Let us not so anxiously or so proudly busy ourselves in the occupations of this present life as not to struggle, with the whole affection… Read More »Be Conformed to Christ
There appears to be no level as to which the media will not stoop in its efforts to paint Sarah Palin and her family as a mere caricature based on their twisted preconceptions.
“Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you… Read More »A Choice We Make Every Day