Can You Spare A Minute?
It was December 8, 1917, the eve of the battle to wrest Jerusalem from the Turks. So much had gone amiss in this Great War, but portents were favorable for a decisive victory at sunrise.
It was December 8, 1917, the eve of the battle to wrest Jerusalem from the Turks. So much had gone amiss in this Great War, but portents were favorable for a decisive victory at sunrise.
It really is quite simple why I am pro-life. I believe the Catholic Church is a conduit of truth, and I know her teaching includes an uncompromising advocacy for the dignity of each human life.
It has not gone unnoticed that during Holy Week, and in the days leading up to it, the media elite, led by the New York Times, has taken aim at Pope Benedict XVI.
Tenebrae, the “Office of Darkness,” marks the beginning of the three holiest days of the Catholic year—three days to renew and relive Christ’s Passion and death.
National Pro-Life T-Shirt Contest BeginsWashington, DC – WHO: American Life League’s National Pro-Life T-Shirt Week Photo Contest WHAT: American Life League will release the first tasks in its National… Read More »Pro-Life T-Shirt Contest Coming to a Nun and a Phone Booth Near You
Rarely a day, week or month goes by without it being designated as the day, week or month to support some sort of charity in our country.
One would hope the statement “Late have I learned” would be spoken by at least one Catholic bishop, but don’t hold your breath.
Washington, D.C. (29 March 2010) – American Life League’s vice president, Jim Sedlak, issued the following statement in response to news the Colorado personhood amendment (Amendment 62)… Read More »Colorado’s Personhood Campaign Restores Focus on Human Rights in Abortion Battle
The government takeover of one-sixth of the American economy via the socialistic health care plan passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama delivered a grand slam for Planned Parenthood.
In yesterday’s commentary, I noted that many elderly people, when interviewed by the Chicago Tribune, were horrified at the thought of lingering unconsciousness.
Washington, D.C. (25 March 2010) – The Catholic Diocese of Portland, Maine, has defunded an organizing group for the homeless after the group was exposed promoting… Read More »Bishop Defunds CCHD Grantee After Group Found Promoting Same-Sex Marriage
On February 8, the Chicago Tribune interviewed elderly Catholics who were horrified at the thought of lingering unconsciousness.