Justice, Mercy and the Reality of Offending God
Recently, I was e-mailed a question that I hear frequently when discussing the Holy Father and his various comments on subjects of interest to pro-life Catholics:
Recently, I was e-mailed a question that I hear frequently when discussing the Holy Father and his various comments on subjects of interest to pro-life Catholics:
We are so grateful to Bishop Thomas Olmsted from the Archdiocese of Phoenix, Arizona, that words cannot express our joy! For the first time in a very long time, a shepherd of the Church has put his foot down lovingly and with no hint of compromise.
An article was published recently that got my attention immediately. Like the writer, who is not a religious man, I have fallen into a category of people described by the mainstream media and proponents of death with dignity
Washington, D.C. (18 May 2010) – American Life League is renewing the call for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to withdraw membership from the… Read More »USCCB Member of Group Supporting Elena Kagan as SCOTUS Pick
It’s really not that difficult to see why Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s repeated attempts to compromise the Church have not brought a resounding, united statement of outrage from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
As the media hype begins to die down over the not-so-wonderful 50th anniversary of the birth control pill, Hollywood’s own Raquel Welch opines that she “laments the havoc that the free-sex ethos has wreaked on marriage and family life.
Washington, D.C. (14 May 2010) – Judie Brown, president of American Life League, expressed dismay after the Diocese of Spokane, Washington, informed ALL that it will… Read More »Spokane Diocese to Hold CCHD Collection Despite Funding of Pro-Abortion, Same-Sex Marriage Groups
For National Women””’s Health Week, Women Deserve the Truth, says Group Washington, D.C. (14 May 2010) For the 50th anniversary of the FDA-approved birth control… Read More »On 50th Anniversary, ‘Pill Kills Day’ Exposes Health, Environmental Impact of Birth Control
Between the government bureaucrats who want to impose abortion on the African nation of Kenya and the World Bank choosing to mix it up with the pro-aborts
Consecration in Washington, D.C. Marks 25th Anniversary of STOPP Planned Parenthood Washington, D.C. (for 15 May 2010) – WHAT: American Life League will unveil new prayers… Read More »Bishop Approves Prayers for ‘Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary’ Campaign
Over the past few weeks, a rumor has emerged among Vatican sources that the current president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Archbishop Salvatore “Rino” Fisichella, may be appointed as the head of a new dicastery in the Vatican.
It never ceases to amaze me when otherwise lovely, dedicated pro-life folks get all hot and bothered, taking sides and arguing about politics.