Heeding God’s Call
‘The world seduces and deceives, and Christ cannot reveal himself to those who allow themselves to be caught in the deceitful illusions of the world.… Read More »Heeding God’s Call
‘The world seduces and deceives, and Christ cannot reveal himself to those who allow themselves to be caught in the deceitful illusions of the world.… Read More »Heeding God’s Call
In what can only be described as an extremely dubious assertion, the United Kingdom’s Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists is claiming that the preborn baby cannot feel pain until 24 weeks after his life begins.
Washington, D.C. (29 June 2010) – American Life League president Judie Brown issued the following statement after Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan confirmed her advocacy of abortion… Read More »Brown: Kagan’s Abortion Activism Makes Her Unfit for Supreme Court
One of the pro-life movement’s pioneers, Joseph Stanton, M.D., once wrote that living wills are documents that are best described as death warrants
The sharpest tool in Planned Parenthood’s shed for digging up more money to prop up its failed programs that are literally sucking the life out… Read More »What is the Guttmacher Institute?
Margaret Sanger was a prominent leader in the eugenics and birth control movements that eventually led to the decriminalization of contraception and abortion. As a… Read More »Margaret Sanger
The Church has always taught that the intentional direct killing of innocent human beings is morally EVIL and that “no one can claim for himself… Read More »Catholic Church Teachings
Washington, D.C. (24 June 2010) – American Life League has Associate groups in over 40 states, and in Africa, Canada and the Philippines. Today, ALL welcomed… Read More »ALL Welcomes New Associate Group: Diocese of Fort Worth’s Gabriel Project
It seems that euthanasia is not a bad word but rather a simple health care option these days. The following examples make that clear.
In the past several years, there have been several studies that have claimed to end the debate on stem cell research. In an effort to… Read More »Variations on Stem Cell Research
An interesting bit of trivia is floating around in the press these days. It seems that between 2002 and 2009, nearly one billion dollars was given to organizations that support abortion in some way.
Washington, D.C. (22 June 2010) – A new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) on federal tax money given to Planned Parenthood Federation of America… Read More »GAO Report Exposes Planned Parenthood’s Missing Millions