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Communique – Sep. 5, 2003

in this issue:

abortion: ULTRASOUND
abortion / breast cancer link: POLITICS
activism: VIRGINIA
birth control coverage: NEW YORK
brave new world: BABIES VIA INTERNET
choose life: LOUISIANA
cloning: CAVEAT 
dark side: WOMEN OF COLOR
imposed death: TERRI SCHIAVO
pharmaceuticals: MERCK
philosophy: NO EXCEPTIONS
planned parenthood: CANADA
reflection for prayer: PSALM 15:1-4


ULTRASOUND: A poll commissioned by Care Net shows that 4 out of 5 of the women questioned support the idea of providing greater access to ultrasound for women who are with child. The level of support was constant among women who described themselves as pro-life, pro-choice, Republican or Democrat.

(Reading: “New poll: Women want ultrasound access,” Care Net news release, 9/2/03)

abortion / breast cancer link

POLITICS: A peer-reviewed journal article examines how research showing a link between abortion and breast cancer has been suppressed for political reasons. In some cases, the topic was judged too hot to handle. In other cases, the author suggests journalists misrepresented the facts.

(Reading: “The abortion-breast cancer link: How politics trumped science and informed consent,” Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Summer 2003)


VIRGINIA: Pro-lifers are organizing a Face the Truth tour the week of Sept. 15-19. The tour starts and ends in the Richmond area, with stops in Roanoke, Blacksburg, Lynchburg, Norfolk and Newport News.

(Reading: “Face the Truth tour schedule,” Life and Liberties Ministry, 9/03)

birth control coverage

NEW YORK: The ACLU has filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of a state law that requires health insurance policies to cover birth control. Social service agencies representing Catholic and other Christian organizations have sued to block to law from taking effect. A New York Civil Liberties Union spokesman’s comments track the standard pro-abortion line: “Employers should not be allowed to endanger women’s health and force women to bear an unfair burden of higher health care costs.”

(Reading: “ACLU and NYCLU Ask Court to Protect Women’s Right to Contraceptive Coverage,” ACLU news release, 8/22/03)

brave new world

BABIES VIA INTERNET: A pro-lesbian organization in Britain has announced the birth of the first child conceived from sperm purchased online. The service was marketed to lesbians and single women, but the first customers to report a birth were a married couple. The “Man Not Included” organization sells its services for ?1,200 ($1,886 U.S.).

(Reading: “First baby born from sperm sold over the internet,” The [U.K.] Independent, 8/20/03)

bush watch

MEXICO CITY POLICY: The administration has expanded an order that restricts funding of foreign agencies that provide pro-abortion counseling. The rules now affect almost all State Department family planning grants. The ruling follows discovery that one of the agencies in line for an AIDS grant was Marie Stopes International, which reportedly supports forced abortions in China.

COMMENT: Please thank for making this change, but also point out that the Mexico City Policy can be improved. It contains exceptions that should be eliminated. These loopholes can cause death.

(Reading: “Bush broadens global abortion gag rule,” Associated Press, 8/29/03)

choose life

LOUISIANA: A state court has put Louisiana’s “choose life” specialty license plate program on hold, so a Knights of Columbus group has stepped in to sell its own version of the plates. Louisiana uses rear licenses only, so drivers can display whatever they wish on the front of their cars and trucks, including these plates with the “choose life” message. Project coordinator Ed Jeanfreau said the Knights are also selling “choose life” license frames that can be used on either the front or rear of the vehicle.

(Reading: “Choose life plates on sale and ACLU won’t challenge this one,” WAFB-TV)


CAVEAT: Three cloned pigs have dropped dead from heart attacks in what one researcher is calling “adult clone sudden death syndrome.” The journal Nature’s online Science Update notes, “The pigs’ demise is a stark reminder that cloned animals are far from normal ? The deaths call into question the idea of transplanting hearts or livers from cloned pigs into humans.”

(Reading: “Adult clones in sudden death shock,” Nature News Service, 8/27/03)

dark side

WOMEN OF COLOR: A national conference on “Women of Color Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights” is scheduled in Atlanta Nov. 13-16. The sponsor, the SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective, got its initial funding from the Ford Foundation, an organization that regularly bankrolls pro-abortion causes.

(Reading: “Conference info,” SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective)

imposed death

TERRI SCHIAVO: The Florida Catholic Conference has weighed in on the Schiavo case, but only after the family of the disabled woman criticized the conference for calling on Gov. Jeb Bush to stop convicted killer Paul Hill’s execution while not commenting on Terri’s plight. The bishops’ conference statement asks that “her treatment be continued while all parties pursue a more clear understanding of her actual physical condition.”

(Reading: “Florida bishops urge safer course for Terri Schiavo,” Florida Catholic Conference news release, 8/27/03; “Florida bishops’ plea for murderer’s life called ‘beyond offensive,'” Cybercast News Service, 8/26/03)


MERCK: Because of the company’s anti-life research policies, Children of God for Life ( and Human Life International ( are advocating a Merck boycott. Children of God for Life notes that Forbes is currently running an online poll about how well CEOs are doing with their companies. Results for Merck CEO Raymond Gilmartin are less than favorable. Online votes are still being accepted online.

(Reading: “CEO approval ratings,” Forbes online, 9/2/03)


NO EXCEPTIONS: From Dr. Brian Kopp: “The dumbing-down of the Pro-life movement to its ‘lowest common denominator’ is a suicidal policy, and it must be resolved among pro-life Christians, even if the larger political pro-life movement refuses. Failure to resolve the inconsistency between being pro-contraception and anti-abortion pits the pro-life movement against itself, a position from which we cannot effectively demand public policies protecting society from abortion. The pro-life movement cannot stop judges from ‘playing God’ in courtrooms or women from ‘playing God’ with their unborn babies if they insist on ‘playing God’ in their homes using contraception and birth control.”

(Reading: “Dumbing down the pro-life movement,” Catholic Citizens of Illinois, 9/1/03)

planned parenthood

CANADA: Planned Parenthood has sent fundraising letters — with condoms enclosed — to 15,000 Canadian homes. The prospect mailing includes a message on the envelope: “It’s hard to buy a condom when your uncle owns the only pharmacy in town.”

(Reading: “The condom is in the mail,” Ottawa Citizen, 8/28/03)

reflection for prayer

PSALM 15:1-4: Lord, who may abide in your tent? Who may dwell on your holy mountain? Whoever walks without blame, doing what is right, speaking truth from the heart; who does not slander a neighbor, does no harm to another, never defames a friend; who disdains the wicked, but honors those who fear the Lord; who keeps an oath despite the cost.