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Communique – Sep. 19, 2003

in this issue:

catholic hero: WISCONSIN
statistics: BRAZIL
vaccines: MERCK
reflection for prayer: EZEKIEL 32:7


TERRI SCHIAVO: A Florida judge has set Oct. 15 as the date on which the tube providing nutrition and hydration for Terri Schiavo can be removed. The removal will lead to death for this disabled Florida woman.

COMMENT: The faithful devotion of Terri’s parents and the prayers of many have helped keep Terri alive for 13 years. Please continue to pray for Terri and those who love her.

(Reading: “Judge sets date to end life support,” Tampa Tribune, 9/18/03)


BEST PRACTICES: “Surgical abortion in the first trimester comprises the majority of voluntary pregnancy interruptions performed in the United States,” writes Dr. Lisa Keder, whose article reviews how training of abortionists and perfection of “technique” can minimize complications.

(Reading: “Best practices in surgical abortion,” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 8/03, pp. 418-422)


CATHOLIC COLLEGES: The Cardinal Newman Society is preparing a comprehensive report on “Culture of Death” activities currently part of the student life on many Catholic colleges, including the appearance of pro-abortion speakers, referrals for abortion, contraceptives for students, and so forth. If you have any details that would be helpful in the compilation of this report, please contact , who is coordinating the effort.

INTERNATIONAL PRAYER CAMPAIGN: The ongoing Human Life Worldwide Call to Prayer is in its sixth month. Please consider joining.

(Reading: “International Prayer Campaign,” Human Life International)

LIFE CHAIN: Don’t forget — Sunday, Oct. 5. Additional information is online.

bush watch

MEXICO CITY POLICY EXPANDED: The president issued an executive order to limit state department funds to international groups involved in abortion services. For STOPP International’s view of the matter, see the commentary at the end of this issue.

(Reading: “Bush expands ‘Mexico City Policy,'” Family News in Focus, 9/3/03)

catholic hero

WISCONSIN: Bishop Robert Morlino inspires his flock by preaching against abortion and leading them in prayer outside a Madison abortion clinic. During the homily prior to the August 22 prayerful picket, Bishop Morlino said, “When we go out to pray, we’re praying for our neighbors whom we love and respect, but who are promoting a terrible error with which we don’t agree.”

(Reading: “Bishop leads rosary,” The [Madison, Wisconsin] Catholic Herald, 8/28/03)


LIFE AT CONCEPTION ACT: A revised bill is due to be introduced soon by California Congressman Duncan Hunter.

(Background: “‘Life at Conception Act’ to be introduced,” Family News in Focus, 2/5/03)


BEST IN PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT: That’s what American Life League says about Pro-Life E-News, the most comprehensive, unbiased news service in the movement today. Find out for yourself. Subscribe today.

GLAMOUR: Brent Bozell has taken an excellent look at Glamour magazine and its publication of an article by actress Holly Robinson Peete, an advocate of teen sex.

(Reading: “Sex and the Glamour girl,”, 8/27/03)


SCHWARZENEGGER: The Republican Pro-Choice Coalition claims its “Women for Arnold Committee intends to raise $500,000 in this independent effort to turnout women voters in the special recall election.”

(Reading: “Republican Women for Arnold,” Republican Pro-Choice Coalition news release, 9/11/03)


BRAZIL: Dr. John C. Willke of Life Issues Institute offered an interesting observation about the news account referenced in the 8/22/03 edition of Communique. The Detroit Free Press reported there were “some one million” illegal abortions per year in Brazil. However, Dr. Willke says other stories cite different figures. “On June 18, 1986 a CNN documentary stated Brazil has 6 million illegal abortions a year and 400,000 women die,” he said. “The UN Demographic yearbook 1988, lists only 40,000 women, ages 15-44 dying each year of all causes.” Dr. Willke tells us that any abortion number is perhaps “somebody’s guess and rest assured it’s probably IPPF’s.”

COMMENT: Thanks, Dr. Willke.

(Reading: 9/2/03 letter to Judie Brown) (Background: “Never again? Never was!” which exposes the pro-abortion numbers game, is available on line from Life Issues Institute)


MERCK: For all parents and physicians who have waited patiently for the single dose vaccines for measles and mumps that DO NOT CONTAIN ABORTED FETAL CELL LINES, they are now available for order through your physician. Children of God for Life ( confirmed with Merck that the company is now taking limited orders – 3 boxes per physician. Each box contains 10 doses and as before, there is a minimum order requirement of 10 doses or one box. Please note that if any doctor is worried about ordering 10 doses and not being able to use them, we will gladly refer patients or find another doctor to take them. Doctors may order the vaccines by contacting their sales rep or by calling Merck at 800-422-9675 or 800-637-2579.


ALL IN THE FAMILY: Patrick Kennedy, echoing his father Ted’s sentiments, writes, “I believe it is the obligation of government to ensure the public health of our society. Consistent with that, I am supportive of ensuring women are provided a legal and safe option to exercise their constitutional right to choose as guaranteed by Roe v. Wade.”

(Reading: 7/24/03 letter to Rhode Island Sen. Catherine Graziano)

reflection for prayer

EZEKIEL 32:7: So you, son of man, I have made a watchman for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. If I say to the wicked, O wicked man, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way; he shall die in his iniquity but you will have saved your life.


PRESIDENT BUSH’S MEXICO CITY POLICY: From Edward Szymkowiak, national director of ALL’s STOPP International:

When President Bush issued a memorandum on Aug. 29, 2003 that extended the Mexico City Policy to apply not only as it always had to USAID assistance to foreign non-governmental organizations for family planning activities, but also to all such assistance from any component of the State Department, he undoubtedly gained the favor of many people who describe themselves as pro-life. The Mexico City Policy prevents non-governmental organizations from getting U.S. family planning assistance if they engage in certain abortion related activities. Indeed, BPNEWS quoted Richard Land, the president of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, as saying that the memorandum shows that, Bush “is strongly and emphatically a pro-life president and a friend of the unborn everywhere in the world” (9/2/03).

Really? Certainly Bush is not a friend of those unborn children being killed by the anti-implantation effects of many of the so-called contraceptives that the USAID family planning program promotes worldwide. If he were, why is it that has he supported continued funding of the program? Certainly Bush is not a friend of those unborn children conceived by rape or incest. If he were, why did he specifically make exceptions in his March 28, 2001 Mexico City Policy for abortions referrals done in such circumstances?

Then there is the huge $15 billion AIDS global initiative Bush pushed through Congress in early 2003. Bush did not apply the Mexico City Policy to it, so now some of this AIDS money can go to organizations engaged in abortion related activities. While Bush may have cut off some funding via his August 2003 memo to the State Department, his AIDS initiative provides a new, and very large, source of potential funds to such organizations. Taken as a whole, will Bush’s 2003 decisions end up giving worldwide abortion promoting organizations less money, or more? In any case, Bush has managed to parley his half measures into what many self-proclaimed pro-lifers are viewing as magnificent victories. And just in time for the upcoming election season!