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Communique – Nov. 5, 2004

in this issue:

hot button issues: ELECTION / FRONT PAGE / PROPOSITION 71
abortion: AFTERMATH
activism: MARCH OF DIMES
birth control pill: RISKS
fetal tissue transplant: AN EYE FOR AN EYE?
in vitro fertilization: VIRGINIA
lifeline: A THOUGHT
morning-after abortion pill: CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION
reproductive technology: SPERM BANKS AND SAME SEX MARRIAGE
stem cell research: ETHICAL AND PROMISING
reflection for prayer: FATHER JOHN HARDON, SJ

hot button issues

ELECTION: American Life League’s Judie Brown said pro-lifers cannot relax following George W. Bush’s re-election victory. She said there is much work to be done; that in a second term, Bush could be educated that “all abortions are bad, not just ‘partial-birth’ abortions. He could learn there is no reason to excuse abortions in alleged cases of rape, incest, threat to the mother’s life, or fetal deformity. He could pressure Congress to support personhood by passing the Right to Life Act.”

(Reading: “Bush wins again; will the babies ever win?” American Life League news release, 11/3/04)

FRONT PAGE: American Life League’s STOPP International project recently made the front page of Planned Parenthood’s web site. A quick blurb links to an article that states, “Like ALL, STOPP International also supports extremely restrictive abortion bans, abstinence until marriage, and ignorance-only sex education that focuses exclusively on abstinence.”

COMMENT: Considering the source, we take that as a compliment!

(Reading: “Trying to STOPP Planned Parenthood,” Planned Parenthood, 10/29/04)

PROPOSITION 71: American Life League’s Judie Brown said California is “headed down a path of death and destruction with the passage of Proposition 71,” a $3 billion taxpayer-funded human embryonic stem cell research initiative approved in Tuesday’s election. Human embryonic stems cells can only be obtained by killing a living human embryo.

(Reading: “California faces fiscal, moral bankruptcy with Proposition 71 stem cell initiative,” American Life League news release, 11/3/04)


AFTERMATH: Silent Raindrops is a web site for those who truly wish to see through the pain and sorrow of abortion to find a new day.


MARCH OF DIMES: In preparation for “National Prematurity Awareness Month,” visitors to the March of Dimes web site are asked to sign a petition to Congress seeking more funding for research into the causes of prematurity. However, nowhere on the web site is the evidence provided that abortion leads to premature birth.

COMMENT: Why won’t the March of Dimes tell the truth? Please let them know of your concern that they are failing to admit the connection between abortion and premature birth. Make sure they also understand that until they are totally honest about the horrendous risks related to abortion, you will not assist in their fund raising efforts and you will ask your friends and family to do likewise.

(Contact: E-mail the March of Dimes)

(Reading: “Prematurity Awareness Day,” March of Dimes; “Induced abortion and risk of later premature birth,” Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Summer 2003, pp. 46-49; “March of Dimes coverup of abortion/preemie link is the real mystery,” Elliot Institute)

birth control pill

RISKS: One year ago, the National Cancer Institute issued a report on the pill and cancer risk. Due to the intense media coverage given to the questionable Women’s’ Health Initiative results reported last week, this NCI study is more than helpful.

(Reading: “Pill could cut cancer and heart disease risk,” The Guardian, 10/22/04; “Oral contraceptives and cancer risk,” National Cancer Institute, 11/3/03)

fetal tissue transplant

AN EYE FOR AN EYE? Researchers used eye tissue from an aborted baby to treat a woman with degenerative eye disease. Her sight has been partially restored. She is one of six such patients, and the researchers exclaimed that their fear is that there will not be enough aborted fetal tissue available for wider use of the treatment.

(Reading: “Fetal tissue transplant for eye repair a dangerous and unethical practice,” LifeSiteNews, 10/28/04; “Fetal tissue graft restores lost sight,” New Scientist, 10/28/04)

in vitro fertilization

VIRGINIA: Dr. Suheil J. Muasher, an 18-year veteran of the Jones Institute, where America’s first in vitro fertilization baby was created, is opening his own infertility clinic in Ashburn, Virginia.

(Reading: “International infertility expert opens office in Loudoun County,” Muasher Center for Fertility & IVF news release, 10/28/04)


A THOUGHT: He who angers you controls you.

morning-after abortion pill

CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION: Examining the arguments for and against pharmacists and doctors refusing to provide the morning-after pills on moral and ethical grounds, ethicists claim, “Although we believe that the most ethical course is to treat patients compassionately — that is, to stock emergency contraception and fill prescriptions for it — the totality of the arguments makes us stop short of advocating a legal duty to do so as a first resort. We stop short for three reasons: because emergency contraception is not an absolute emergency, because other options exist, and because, when possible, the moral beliefs of those delivering care should be considered.” However their middle ground requires referral, and they argue, “although health professionals may have a right to object, they should not have a right to obstruct.”

COMMENT: But the health professional has a right to destroy by providing deadly chemicals?

(Reading: “The limits of conscientious objection: may pharmacists refuse to fill prescriptions for emergency contraception?” New England Journal of Medicine, 11/4/04, pp. 2098-2012)

reproductive technology

SPERM BANKS AND SAME SEX MARRIAGE: Bronagh Cassidy offers a first-person account of what it’s like to be the test tube baby of homosexual parents.

(Reading: “Why this sperm bank child opposes same sex marriage,” PFOX, 11/2/04)


COURT GRANTS STAY: The Florida Supreme Court has granted a stay, giving Gov. Jeb Bush until November 29 to appeal the decision that would permit the withholding of nutrition and hydration from Terri Schiavo.

(Reading: “Court grants stay for Terri Schiavo until November 29,” Catholic World News, 10/29/04)

(Background: For the most current updates on the Schiavo case, see “Terri’s Fight“)

stem cell research

ETHICAL and PROMISING: Family Research Council has prepared a lengthy report on major breakthroughs using ethical sources of stem cells.

(Reading: “Real world successes of adult stem cell treatments,” Family Research Council)


PHILOSOPHER OF DEATH: Peter Singer says, “A totally normal infant does not have the same right to life as you or I or someone older has. We gradually develop that fully-fledged right to life.”

(Reading: “Philosophy professor’s lecture draws fire,” WPTZ-TV, 10/8/04)

reflection for prayer

FATHER JOHN HARDON, S.J.: Ever since the origin of the parents of the human race, every time a human being is conceived, God directly and immediately creates a human soul. The parents provide the body; but only God can create — make out of nothing — the soul which is to animate the body and make it a human person.

(Reading: “The pro-life movement and the Catholic Church,” p. 4)