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Communique – Jul. 16, 2004

in this issue:

american bar association: HONORING FATHER DRINAN
catholic bishops: LES FEMMES / USCCB
human embryonic stem cell research: CONGRESS / WISCONSIN
lifelines: A THOUGHT
morning after abortion pills: GIVE THEM AWAY! / PERU / PREVENTION.COM
planned parenthood: SOUTH DAKOTA
selective reduction: REASONABLE
weird news: SPY BOT
reflection for prayer: IN CONVERSATION WITH GOD


BREAST CANCER: While one meta-analysis of 53 studies including 83,000 women alleges that there is no connection between abortion and breast cancer, the claim is refuted professionally by Joel Brind, Ph.D., and can be seen online. By using this web site, you can access fact sheets by Dr. Brind’s Breast Cancer Prevention Institute.

ECTOPIC PREGNANCY: Researchers claim that more early pregnancies are being terminated by “medical abortion” techniques such as Mifeprex (RU-486). They further claim that medical abortion presents no complication for women with an ectopic pregnancy.

(Reading: “Ectopic pregnancy and medical abortion,” Obstetrics and Gynecology, 104:1:161-167)

METHOD REVIEW: Researchers reviewed each method of abortion for the purpose of assessing efficacy, safety, fatality of the mother and “minor” complications.

(Reading: “Methods of induced abortion,” Obstetrics and Gynecology, 104:1:174-185)

MISOPROSTOL: Researchers studied the use of 800 milligrams of misoprostol every twelve hours, up to three doses, for a “pharmacological second-trimester abortion.” They determined this to be a valid way to end the life of the preborn child.

(Reading: “Vaginal misoprostol 800 mg every 12 h for second-trimester abortion,” Contraception, 70 (2004) 55-60)

RISK: Researchers point out that a mother who has previously had a cesarean section runs the risk of uterine rupture if she undergoes a second-trimester abortion later in her reproductive life.

(Reading: “Cesarean scar dehiscence as a cause of hemorrhage after second-trimester abortion by dilation and evacuation,” Contraception, 70 (2004) 61-64)

WOMEN HURT BY ABORTION PETITION: The Elliot Institute has presented for signature an excellent petition to both the Democratic and Republican parties focused on the reality of suffering experienced by mothers who abort their children.

american bar association

HONORING FATHER DRINAN: The ABA medal will be awarded to pro-abortion “Catholic priest” Father Robert Drinan, S.J. For details see BarWatch.

catholic bishops

LES FEMMES: Tracking the situation involving Catholic elected officials who promote and encourage abortion is one of the tasks done well by Les Femmes

USCCB: Note the letter from Cardinal Josef Ratzinger to Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.

human embryonic stem cells

CONGRESS: The Stem Cell Enhancement Act of 2004 was introduced in Congress in June and is now sitting in committee. Pressure is mounting on President Bush to weaken his position on human embryonic stem cell research. To review the bill, see HR 4682 at Library of Congress.

WISCONSIN: Pro-Life Wisconsin is working diligently to expose the pro-death arguments of “Catholic” governor Jim Doyle, who claims that human embryonic stem cell research must advance and that those who suffer from Parkinson’s disease will benefit.

(Reading: “Lift limits on stem cell work,” Wisconsin State Journal, 6/22/04)


A THOUGHT: When God ordains, He sustains.

morning after abortion pills

GIVE THEM AWAY! Researchers claim that the pills would be more effective in “reducing abortion rates” if the women who need them could keep them at home. Of course, the researchers fail to admit that the pills themselves can cause abortions.

(Reading: “Emergency contraception: Why can’t you give it away?…” Contraception, 70 (2004) 25-29)

PERU: The Peruvian bishops’ conference is promoting a national debate on “the dangers for human life” of the morning after pill. They desire a forum in which both sides will present and explain their documented proofs.

(Reading: “Church in Peru urges scientific debate on morning-after pill,” Zenit, 7/12/04)

PREVENTION.COM: This health web site contains an article on morning-after abortion pills that is totally slanted against pro-life pharmacists. The article claims that there is no place in women’s health care for the “controversial belief” that birth control pills and other such methods can cause silent abortions. To review and comment to the editor, see “Access Denied.”

planned parenthood

SOUTH DAKOTA: Gov. Mike Rounds has shut down the teen section of the South Dakota State Library Web site because it contains links he feels young people should not see, including Planned Parenthood.

(Reading: “S.D. Governor pulls plug on state library’s teen web site because of links to sex advice sites,” Associated Press, 7/13/04; send letters of thanks to Gov. Rounds)


PRO-LIFE POLITICS? Bob Strodtbeck offers a useful reflection on why pro-lifers must be led by basic moral principles rather than particular partisan interests. The article is related to current political conditions. See “What’s wrong with the pro-life movement?” by Bob Strodtbeck.

selective reduction

REASONABLE: Though many doctors are alleged to have “moral doubts about the justification to go ‘below twins,'” researchers claim “multifetal pregnancy reduction has become very safe in our hands.”

COMMENT: Since when is killing all but two babies more moral than killing all but one preborn child?

(Reading: “Fetal reduction from twins to a singleton: A reasonable consideration?” Obstetrics and Gynecology, 104:1:102-109)

terri schiavo

APPEAL LAUNCHED AFTER COURT SETBACK: On July 9, a judge dissolved and denied Terri’s parents’ petition, which for the moment places Terri once again in danger of death by starvation. The decision, however, has been appealed. On July 12, disability rights groups filed an amicus brief seeking a review of the previous week’s decision. Updates are posted daily at Terri’s Fight. We also commend your attention to Sarah Foster’s article, “Terri’s parents fight on despite setbacks.”

weird news

SPY BOT: Mexico’s Attorney General had a microchip implanted under the skin of one of his arms in order to have immediate access to a crime database.

(Reading: “Mexico attorney general gets microchip implant,” Reuters, 7/13/04)

reflection for prayer

IN CONVERSATION WITH GOD: There may be occasions when out of prudence or charity we should keep quiet. But prudence and charity are not the result of cowardice or self-comfort. It will never be prudent to keep quiet when keeping quiet may cause scandal or confusion, or when such behavior may have an adverse effect on the faith of others.

(Reading: “In Conversation With God,” Volume 4, p. 113)