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Communique – Aug. 17, 2001

special issue

OVERVIEW: Bush, embryonic stem cells and personhood

Due to the tremendous importance of the flawed decision President George W. Bush announced August 9, we provide here the following information:

INTRODUCTION TO ALL ANALYSIS: American Life League has prepared an analysis of the exact language President Bush used in his decision:

In summary, through the use of his carefully weighed rhetoric, the president consistently worked to undermine the fundamental, irrefutable scientific fact at the core of this issue: that human life begins at conception / fertilization and that there is never an acceptable reason for intentionally taking an innocent human life. While even supposedly presenting the pro-life perspective in portions of his presentation, he used terms such as “potential life,” “cluster of cells,” “seeds,” “byproduct,” and strategically omitted “human” in key places serving to obfuscate these scientific and ethical realities.

In addition, funding in research on cell lines already established through the destruction of human embryos imputes an unethical complicity on our government and our country. For the first time in the history of the United States, the federal government will support research which may benefit others relying upon the destruction of innocent, defenseless human persons who were killed. This allows our nation’s research to continue to cultivate a disrespect for human life.

Furthermore, what will happen if initial research proves to be promising? Virtually all scientists agree that these 60 cell lines will not be sufficient for the research needed. What will President Bush do when researchers may be on the verge of a breakthrough and approach him, asking for more cell lines to complete the task? According to this precedent, he will have to provide more funding. He has opened this door and the slippery slope is indeed intact and functional. We have every reason to believe that he would break his commitment again.

Finally, this sad event once again illustrates to the pro-life community that the sole protector of innocent human life is objective truth. When politicians attempt to win our support while compromising objective moral principles, it just sets a precedent for future defeat and the continued destruction of innocent human life. Only when we first require adherence to objective truth from politicians will we be able to protect innocent human life from the moment of conception / fertilization.

We have put this analysis together to help all see clearly how the president’s decision disqualifies him from describing himself as pro-life. Let us pray for him.

ADDITIONAL ANALYSIS:For further analysis from those organizations and commentators who have seen through the rhetorical gymnastics uttered by President Bush, we recommend the following:

AMBASSADOR ALAN KEYES (DECLARATION NETWORK): “Embryonic Stem Cell Research Not an Agonizing Choice,” 7/24/01, and “Is the Right to Life on the Path of Ultimate Extinction?” 8/10/01.

BISHOP JOSEPH A. FIORENZA, PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS: “Catholic Bishops Criticize Bush Policy on Embryo Research,” 8/9/01.

CAL THOMAS: “President Bush’s Compromise,” 8/13/01.

CHARLOTTE ALLEN: “Bush Cell-Out: Worse than Morally Obtuse,” 8/13/01.

CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA: “Profit from Killing Human Beings,” 8/10/01.

FLIP BENHAM (OPERATION SAVE AMERICA): “How Long Will You Waver Between Two Opinions, America?” 8/10/01.

FR. THOMAS EUTENEUER (HUMAN LIFE INTERNATIONAL): “Statement Regarding Stem Cell Research Funding,” 8/10/01.

JUDICIAL WATCH: “Bush Stem Cell Decision Breaks Campaign Pledge and Betrays Pro-Life Conservatives,” 8/10/01.


NCCB-USCC PRO-LIFE OFFICE FACT SHEET: “President Bush’s Stem Cell Decision.”

PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY (EAGLE FORUM): “Clinton’s Culture of Death Continues,” 8/10/01.

REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COALITION FOR LIFE FAXNOTES: “Bush Policy Forces Taxpayers into Cooperation with Evil,” 8/10/01.

TRADITIONAL VALUES COALITION: “Human Life Must Be Sacred,” 8/10/01.

for the record

American Life League will not accept any articulated defense of a politician, including the president of the United States, whose thinking on such a fundamental question as the personhood of a human being is so blatantly wrong.

reflection for prayer

MATTHEW 10:22-23, 28, 32-33: You will be hated by all because of my name, but whoever endures to the end will be saved. When they persecute you in one town, flee to another … And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather be afraid of the one who can destroy both body and soul in Gehenna … Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father.