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Communique – Apr. 25, 2003

in this issue:

abortion: KANSAS
activism: BUSH / NEW YORK
birth control pill: HEART DISEASE
culture of death: WHOSE VALUES?
euthanasia: CALIFORNIA
fetal tissue research: MERCK
morning-after abortion pill: OVER THE COUNTER
population elimination: UNITED NATIONS AWARDS
reflection for prayer: THOMAS A KEMPIS

hot button issues

CONNOR PETERSON: Outrage continues to build over pro-abortion comments suggesting that murder charges should not be filed in connection with the death of Laci Peterson’s preborn son. ALL’s Judie Brown said “extreme abortion proponents know they cannot call for punishment for Connor’s murderer without exposing their own hypocrisy.”

(Reading: “A person’s a person no matter now small; if Dr. Seuss gets it, why doesn’t NOW?” American Life League news release, 4/23/03)

NATIONAL PRO-LIFE T-SHIRT DAY: It’s Monday! Please join us on April 28. Our initial invitation was aimed at high school and college students, but more and more parents say they’ll be joining their children in wearing a pro-life message. Thanks to the internet, we’ve heard from people on several continents who plan to participate!

(Reading: “National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day,” American Life League)


KANSAS: Pro-abortion “Catholic” governor Kathleen Sebelius vetoed legislation establishing minimum safety standards for abortion mills, claiming “The health care facilities addressed in this bill are already subject to those high standards.”

(Reading: “Governor vetoes bill on abortion clinic standards,” Associated Press, 4/21/03; for additional information on Gov. Sebelius, see “Archbishop urged to cancel service for pro-abortion politician,” American Life League news release, 1/10/03)


BUSH: Christians collaborated to place an ad in the Washington Times, calling on President Bush to use the same commitment that compelled him to provide leadership regarding the war in Iraq to now fight the war on behalf of preborn babies.

(Reading: “Thank you, President Bush,” Justice Momentum, 4/9/03)

NEW YORK: Pro-life demonstrators continue to be concerned that police will harass them and their children. The concern was raised because of police reaction to a pro-life pray-in at which several minor children and their parents participated on April 7, 2003. Chris Slattery, father of two of the children who took part in the activity, asks for your continued assistance and prayers. For details, e-mail .


NEW GENERATION GAP: Charles Colson has written an excellent column on why young people are more pro-life than their parents, stating “Just because one generation of women regards Roe as sacrosanct does not mean that we cannot reach their children with rational, moral arguments.”

(Reading: “A new generation gap,” BreakPoint, 4/8/03)

birth control pill

HEART DISEASE: A Time magazine article warns that women over 35 can have problems because of the pill. In addition, a Web MD article focuses on the linkage between heart disease protein and the pill.

(Reading: “The No.1 killer of women,” Time, 4/28/03; “The pill linked to heart disease protein,” Web MD, 4/11/03)

culture of death

WHOSE VALUES? The Association for Reproductive Health Professionals has launched a campaign arguing that “sectarian beliefs and political ideology rather than science and medical evidence dictate public health policy,” using as examples the recommendation by the Bush Administration that David Hagar, M.D., be appointed to the reproductive health advisory committee to the FDA, and that funding be increased for abstinence-only sexual education programs.

COMMENT: The only values of apparent interest are those that serve the ideological agenda of the pro-death movement.

(Reading: “Preserving core values in science,” Association for Reproductive Health Professionals)


PHARMACISTS CONSCIENCE RIGHTS: Both Pro-Life Wisconsin and Pharmacists for Life International are roundly criticizing the Wisconsin state affiliate of National Right to Life. Pro-Life Wisconsin said an amendment promoted by Wisconsin Right to Life effectively gutted a bill designed to grant legal protection to pharmacists who refused, on ethical grounds, to fill prescriptions for abortifacients. Pro-Life Wisconsin’s Mary Matuska said, “Wisconsin Right to Life, in pushing to remove this specific language, has conceded the argument to Planned Parenthood,” which opposes conscience legislation. Pharmacists for Life International noted, “one can only wonder and be thoroughly disgusted at the antics of Wisconsin RTL as they helped PP’s agenda and torpedoed a real pharmacist’s conscience clause.”

(Reading: “WRTL action guts conscience rights protection bill,” Pro-Life Wisconsin news release, 4/23/03; “PharmFacts e-news update,” Pharmacists for Life International, 4/23/03)


CALIFORNIA: Two pieces of legislation could cause problems for the terminally ill and the otherwise vulnerable. AB 1166 would make it legal for residential care facilities not to call emergency services for hospice patients; AB 1299 changes the definition of “terminal illness” to “incurable progressive illness.” This could make it possible for disabled individuals to be placed under hospice care, allowing them to receive only palliative care, and perhaps be denied nutrition and hydration, antibiotics, etc. Currently Molly Israel of the Scholl Bioethics Institute is requesting comments that will aid her organization in opposing these two bills.

(Contact: )

(Reading: “Residential facilities: terminally ill persons,” AB1166, California General Assembly, amended 4/8/03; “Hospices,” AB1299, California General Assembly, 2/21/03)

fetal tissue research

MERCK: A coalition led by Human Life International and Children of God for Life has successfully steered a resolution to a vote at the Merck & Co. annual stockholders meeting. The resolution stated, in part, that “Merck has violated its basic Statement on Values because of our company’s use of cell-culture lines from aborted humans.” The resolution received 5 percent of the stockholders’ votes, which opens the door for additional action in the future.

(Reading: “Children of God for Life and Human Life International win shareholder resolution votes, blast Merck at annual meeting,” Children of God for Life news release, 4/23/03)

morning-after abortion pill

OVER THE COUNTER: The Women’s Capital Corporation has applied to the U. S. Food and Drug Administration for approval to provide their product, Plan B, as an “over-the-counter” item rather than by prescription or at the discretion of the pharmacist. Currently, there are a few states where a prescription is not required.

COMMENT: Contrary to arguments framed by proponents of the regimen, the pills do interfere with a pregnancy because pregnancy begins when the baby begins at conception.

(Contact: Notify the FDA of your opposition to over-the-counter status for Plan B and give your reasons: , Food and Drug Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857 or call 888-463-6332.)

(Reading: “Morning after’ pill maker asks FDA for OTC switch,” Reuters, 4/22/03; for information on the abortive action of these pills, see “Postfertilization Effect of Hormonal Emergency Contraception,” Polycarp Institute)


ABORTIONIST PAC: George Tiller, who specializes in third trimester abortion, created the PRO KAN DO political action committee in Kansas to “protect a woman’s right to choose safe and legal abortion in the state of Kansas.” An initial letter from Tiller, describing PRO KAN DO, is available on Operation Save America’s web site. A second letter, written 3/17/03, is not online but is available upon request via postal mail.

population elimination

UNITED NATIONS AWARDS: The UN’s annual population award was given to Werner Fornos, president of the anti-natalist Population Institute, and to the Family Planning Association of Kenya. Fornos has repeatedly attacked the Vatican, and, according to reports, was reprimanded by the Catholic League for comparing the Vatican to the Nazi regime.

(Reading: “Population awareness leader Werner Fornos?,” UN news release, 4/15/03; “1995 report on anti-Catholicism,” Catholic League, revised 5/7/01)


CYSTIC FIBROSIS: The Genetics and Public Policy Center is calling for stricter oversight in the use of genetic testing used to identify preborn children who may suffer from cystic fibrosis. GPPC is undertaking a detailed assessment of such oversight because “misleading information” has been given to patients, resulting in “needless medical procedures including abortion.” The GPPC is not opposed to abortion.

(Reading: “Genetics and Public Policy Center calls for stricter controls for genetic testing,” Genetics and Public Policy Center policy statement, 4/03)

web news

HUMAN LIFE MATTERS: The web site introduces a ministry dedicated to helping churches effectively share with people who have disabilities.

reflection for prayer

THOMAS A KEMPIS: If you look upon yourself, you can do nothing. But if you confide in the Lord, strength will be given you from heaven and the world and the flesh shall be made subject to you. Neither shall you fear your enemy, the devil, if you be armed with faith and signed with the cross of Christ.

(Reading: Imitation of Christ, Book II, Chapter 12, Section 9)