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Communique – Apr. 16, 2004

in this issue:

abortion, inc.: THE PRACTICE
catholic bishops: CHAPUT / GEORGE / McCARRICK / O’MALLEY / SMITH
litigation: NOW V. SCHEIDLER
reflection for prayer: PSALM 118:22-24

hot button issues

GIRL SCOUTS AND PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Following reports that a Girl Scout council in Texas had a formal relationship with Planned Parenthood, American Life League’s STOPP International began a survey of all Girl Scout councils nationwide to gauge the extent of the problem. Almost 80% of the councils did not answer the question; but one-fourth of those that did admitted there is some connection to Planned Parenthood. A full listing is available online.

(Reading: “Exposed: Girl Scout councils have relationship with Planned Parenthood,” American Life League news release, 4/12/04)

SETON HALL: Three student groups at Seton Hall Law School plan to present the Sandra Day O’Connor Medal of Honor to federal appeals court judge Maryanne Trump Barry. Pro-life activists identify Barry as the author of the opinion that struck down New Jersey’s partial-birth abortion law. The Archdiocese of Newark issued a brief statement saying, “It would be inappropriate and inconsistent for the archdiocese to endorse the selection for special recognition of anyone who undermines the assurance of legal protections for the unborn.” But no action has been taken. American Life League’s Crusade for the Defense of Our Catholic Church is protesting the event.

(Reading: “Another disgrace,” pro-life e-mail update, 4/10/04; “Statement in response to Seton Hall law school award,” Archdiocese of Newark news release, 4/14/04; “American Life League will lead protest at Seton Hall Law School event honoring pro-abortion judge,” American Life League news release, 4/15/04)

abortion, inc.

THE PRACTICE: The coldness of “abortion providers” is evident in the transcripts of testimony in the partial-birth abortion trials. World Magazine offers a frank account. Please be aware that if you click on the link, you’ll find a most disturbing story.

(Reading: “The ugly truth,” World Magazine, 4/17/04)

catholic bishops

CHAPUT: Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput writes, “Candidates who claim to be ‘Catholic’ but who publicly ignore Catholic teaching about the sanctity of human life are offering a dishonest public witness. They may try to look Catholic and sound Catholic, but unless they act Catholic in their public service and political choices, they’re really a very different kind of creature. And real Catholics should vote accordingly.” Archbishop Chaput indicated he wishes to talk about faith with three Catholic U.S. Senate candidates in Colorado. He said pro-abortion Catholics “are not serving democracy. They are betraying it.”

(Reading: “Catholic politicians scolded,” Denver Post, 4/15/04; “How to tell a duck from a fox,” Denver Catholic Register, 4/14/04)

GEORGE: Cardinal Francis George, the archbishop of Chicago, was asked if he would deny Communion to pro-abortion political figures. “No, not at this point. No,” he said, adding, “I don’t have a good answer” about exactly what to do with such persons. “I’m loath to say we should take too many public positions on that at this point,” he said.

(Reading: “No Communion ban for local politicians,” Chicago Tribune, 4/8/04)

McCARRICK: In an interview with Chris Wallace, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, D.C., was asked about Archbishop Raymond Burke, who told his priests not to give Communion to certain pro-abortion politicians. “I think every archbishop has the right to make his decision in his own area,” said Cardinal McCarrick. “I think that there are many of us who would feel that there are certain restrictions that we might put on people, that there are certain sanctions that we may put on people. But I think many of us would not like to use the Eucharist as part of the sanction.”

Cardinal McCarrick held a private meeting with Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), but neither man would comment on the nature of the 45-minute discussion. The cardinal’s office said Kerry had requested the meeting.

(Reading: “Fox News Sunday,” Fox News Channel, 4/11/04; “Kerry meets with Washington archbishop,” Associated Press, 4/15/04)

O’MALLEY: When asked about the possibility of denying Communion to pro-abortion Catholics in Boston, Archbishop Sean O’Malley’s spokesman, Fr. Christopher Coyne, said, “If someone presents themselves for Communion, unless they’re obviously not Catholic, we give them Communion. The important thing to recognize is that the reception of Holy Communion is not a reward for living an exemplary life; the reception of Holy Communion is, among many things, a remedy and nourishment of the soul for the Catholic Christian, to help them persevere in seeking a life of holiness and becoming more aligned with the church’s life.”

(Reading: “A debate simmers over Kerry and the Eucharist,” Boston Globe, 4/11/04)

SMITH: Bishop John M. Smith of Trenton, N.J., said, “it gives me great annoyance” that some Catholic political figures support abortion. Bishop Smith said when New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey “refers to himself as a devout Catholic and supports legislation and programs that are contrary to the teaching of the Holy Father and the bishops, he is not a devout Catholic.”

(Reading: “Bishop Smith blasts hypocrisy of ‘pro-choice’ Catholic politicians,” The Monitor, 3/31/04)


VIEW FROM BEHIND BARS: The comment: “The American people are sheep. They’re comfortable, rich, working. It’s like the Romans, they’re happy with bread and their spectator sports. The Super Bowl means more to them than any right.” The speaker? Jack Kevorkian, talking about how his “movement” has faltered since his imprisonment.

(Reading: “Assisted suicide advocate Kevorkian says he expects to die in prison,” Associated Press, 4/11/04)

dark side

VATICAN PROTEST: On April 24, the pro-abortion group that calls itself Catholics for a Free Choice will picket the Vatican embassy in Washington, D.C., “because Catholic policy makers are under unprecedented attack from conservative Catholic groups. As we approach the 2004 elections, we need to support pro-choice Catholic candidates. Hundreds of legislators have been targeted for defeat by conservative Catholic groups. They have launched advertising campaigns naming names.”

(Reading: “Your voice is fundamental against fundamentalism,” Catholics for a Free Choice news release)


NOW V. SCHEIDLER: The National Organization for Women’s legal quest against pro-life activist Joseph Scheidler is not over, even though the U.S. Supreme Court threw out racketeering charges more than a year ago. The court’s ruling sent the case back to lower courts, where further arguments are under way. The case is in its 18th year of litigation.

(Reading: “NOW presses pro-lifers despite high court,” World Net Daily, 4/10/04)

web notes

LIFE OF THE MOTHER: We are frequently asked about the assertion that abortion is never necessary to protect the life of the mother. American Life League has a statement endorsed by more than 400 physicians, stating: “I agree that there is never a situation in the law or in the ethical practice of medicine where a preborn child’s life need be intentionally destroyed by procured abortion for the purpose of saving the life of the mother. A physician must do everything possible to save the lives of both of his patients, mother and child. He must never intend the death of either.” The statement, including the names of the endorsing physicians, is posted online.

(Reading: “Protecting the life of the mother,” American Life League)


NATIONAL PRO-LIFE T-SHIRT DAY: American Life League is again sponsoring this annual event. This year’s date is April 27. Pro-life students across the country are asked to wear shirts with a pro-life message when they attend school that day. The official shirt of National Pro-life T-shirt Day is available from ALL online, or by phone at 866-LET-LIVE.

reflection for prayer

PSALM 118:22-24: The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. By the Lord has this been done; it is wonderful in our eyes. This is the day the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it.